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I pushed the trolly around the grocery store while shehnaaz filled it with the groceries required, she hasn't spoken anything from the time of our arrivel here at the grocery store nor when she came to my house in the morning so I have been pretty receiving the silent treatment.

" Get me some tooth paste and mouth wash "

I said looking at her who just took the tooth paste and mouth wash into the trolly walking ahead, I sighed following her.

" Shehnaaz you ignoring me isn't going to stop us from getting married"

" Don't tell me you said yes for this marriage "

" What no !! Why would I agree to marry you out of all?? "

" See this is what I think please just say no "

" Why don't you say no to you're parents?? "

" I tried ok, my mom is just not listing if it's not you it's gaurav "

" Wait gaurav khurana tanaja aunt's son?? "

" Yaa him I would rather marry him than you so, yaa just say no "

" Why should I say no for this wedding?? Neither am I ready for this , if it isn't you my mom will hook me up with someone "

" Isn't that great, you can finally marry the women you like not you're arch nemesis "

" I would rather marry my arch nemesis than some unknown bimbo, so is gaurav ok with this?? "

" I haven't spoken to him yet , after you're shoot I'm going to meet him for dinner "

" Well well isn't my little assistant having a date tonight look at you dressed up into all traditional attire to impress the man"

" Fuck off, if he doesn't agree I need to stick with you for the rest of my life which I would rather prefer to be hit by a bus "

" Come on it's not just my parents who are hell bent to get us married it's you're parents too "

" Don't flatter yourself darling it's just another business deal for you're dad as my father were the only thing is I'm the one who would be facing a loss over here "

" Loss?? You think I would having a profit or bonus to get married to you?? Give me a break baby "

" See that's it just say no and back off, you don't need to think till tomorrow just call them right now and say it you don't like me "

" Well why don't you do the honour??"

" I can't say no to my parents!! "

" Neither can I!!! "

I entered the sets and shehnaaz tagged along holding a bag , she quickly got me my script and called my make up artist to get me groomed. It was time for my shot where the director explained me and my co-star karishma about a romance sequence, soon the cameras were faced towards me and I forgot all the misshapes and problems and began to shoot my scene, it is a action thriller movie where few parts of the movie will be shot here in India and the others  in London. I gave my take in a single shot and moved to my chair where shehnaaz sat texting someone she saw me and passed me a bottle of water and some protein bar.

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