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I hate the fashion critic's for creating something called as airport look. what the hell do you mean by airport fashion people!!! All I do on plane is sleep and eat, I don't like getting food on my clothes at all but you expect me to even wear something fashionable in flight where you are suppose to sit on a seat for hours doing nothing.  As much I hate this idea I need to look good , as now I'm engaged to "the sidharth shukla " I have been having paparazzi following me around and I have to take this fashion game seriously. 

Pulling my bags out of my apartment I saw sidharth standing out looking pissed, well he always looks like this so this is not something new for me. He placed my bags at the back and drove to the airport. His fans and paparazzi  swarmed us, I moved away to let him get some solo shots, he held my hand stopping me and posed with me for the pap's. I just looked at him who smiled for the cameras , this is the first time ever sidharth has ever stopped me for a picture , the paparazzi asked me to face the camera sidharth lightly squeezed my waist I turned around facing the pap's  smiling.

We got into his private jet, he took his seat while I had to sort out certain things around, sidharth called me asking me to get back to my seat as the plane was taking off, I sat opposite to him bucking my belt looking out.

" Has the team reached yet?? "

" Yes, they have settled in except some of the other cast of the movie "

I said pulling my laptop out , I had to send send an email for this company where I have been wanting to get a job. I was always into photography I wanted to be a travel blogger but now I don't think it could happen and instead of being a travel blogger I decided to join  a fashion company and click pictures of there creation, i felt someone setting next to me who was sidharth checking my email along with me.

" Are you accepting the offer?? "

" Why would you check my e-mails?? Snooping around isn't good thing??"

" I was just checking what is my fiance up to!! "

He said raising his hands up surrendering,  I scrolled down the email reading it thoroughly , " I guess I should accept this I'm getting paid better than what I usually am and I can conduct some classes too for extra money " I wrote an email back and accepted the interview which was set up for the month end and I would be back from the trip too . The air hostess walked asking us if we need anything, sidharth got himself some tea while I ordered some biscoff milkshake.

" Sidharthhhhhhhhhhh"

" Hmmmm"

" I'm bored!!! "

" What should I do?? "

" Entertain me!! "

I said popping my hand on the armrest keeping my palm under my chin looking at him, he kept his phone back into his pocket turning towards me.

" Well I'm a actor but not you're personal entertainment artist I take charges for my work "

" Sidharthhhhhh "

" Ok ok!!! What do you want to do?? "

" Want to watch a movie?? "

" Not interested!! "

" Please naaa, you will love it "

Saying so I took the remote turning on the TV , relaxing myself soon our drinks where here I fished through the movies on prime video and choose " Aajb prem ki gazab kahani " Which is my favorite movie, sidharth groaned next to me because we have almost watched this more than eight times together and he gets annoyed by it.

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