" IS IT A YES /NO??"

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We all got into the car and headed to the anual sports meet, I wore a blazer today which actually belongs to sidharth " Shhh don't tell him" But when he sees me today he will recognize it anyways. I'm a bit nervous not going to lie do I have hopes on sidharth no, will I say yes to the marriage no that's what my heart is saying but my mind " I feel he is the one " Because A - I know him from when I was what in the womb of my mother, B - I have the patience to bare his bullshit come on let's be really I'm saying that not so ugly handsome face from the time I got my eyes which is eww, C - and I no there is no where I could go in finding a man because at this generation it's hard to find a guy let's face it people.

I moved inside the sports club  giving myself a much needed ted talk to calm my nerves down " It feels like my 10th board results are out " . I  sat next to my brother who was awfully silent for a moment.

" What's wrong?? Looks like someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed?"

" Not the wrong side but wrong person "

" Say what? Did you get someone pregnant viraj??? "

I whispered yelled at him who shhhed me down, I looked around to find people watching us curiously I smiled asking them to continue there work while I turned myself towards my brother to seek answers.

" So?? Who is she?? "

" It's no one ok, it I'm stressing over a business deal "

" Business deal or the person you are having a deal with "

"  You got me, you know kajal?? "

" Kajal who??, all I know is shehnaaz gill "

" Shut up, kajal you're friend "

" Are you hitting on my friend?? "

" Not hitting but we have been dating each other for almost a year "

" You betrayed me I thought you had my back but you lied to me, this  was more painful than catching my ex with you "

" First of all he was there for business deal and second I'm not gay. It was just a bro hug "

I looked at me passing him I'm not believing you're crap expression he looked pissed so I didn't trigger him.

" Now what?? "

" We actually got married like three months ago "

" Are you out of you're damm mind "

I yelled gaping at him, god my brother is married to my worst enemy kajal who isn't even my friend like he thinks she but she isn't. Now that's not the main topic here but my brother is married.

" Sit down, you are making a scene "

He whispers pulling me down back to my seat, is he serious he is asking me to calm down after knowing my brother is married.

" When?? "

" What ?? "

" When did you guy's get married, dated, meet or have kids?? Don't tell me do you?? "

" You are over reacting more than mom!! "

" Mom knows this??? Are you guys lying to me?? "

" Shehnaaz she got to know yesterday ok , no mom isn't lying over here it's because kajal wanted to meet you guy's so I had to speak to her. It wasn't a proper wedding we got drunk and got married at a church "

" Typical watt pad shit, who do you guys think yourselves as romeo and Juliet please like come why here it could have been anyone "

" I like her "

" Does she like you too?? "

" Yaa, obviously "

" See I don't like her but for you I will compromise but hey I would like to know does she truly love you or not because you are my brother and I care about you "

" I appreciate you're concern , she is very much excited to meet you all "

" I'm not looking forward for this "

I say drinking some water placed in front of me when I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone whispered into my ear , cut that someone and insert sidharth.

" Don't be mean shehnaaz she is you're brothers wife "

" You when did you get here "

" From the time you decide to create a scene over here by yelling "

" I was shocked "

" Over reacting, anyways ready with you're answer?? "

" Do we really have to?? Please just say no!! "

" Sorry sweetheart I can't do that I would rather spend my life with you being an asshole as I'm or fake it till you make it with another women . And guess what you are the lucky choice "

" Sidharth I have never thought about wedding or anything as such "

" Don't lie to me you have expressed what kind of a man you want and even the ring "

" When we were friends that was like fourteen years back I have changed my mind "

" I don't believe you at all, ok fine than if you want me to say no so bad than take the blame on yourself "

" Why should I?? "

" Than why should I? You are the one who is eager to cancel this wedding so you are the one needs to do the talking "

He is right if I'm so eager about not marrying him than I'm the one who needs to be speaking so I got off my seat moving towards my and asked her could I talk to her for a minute . We stood near the football court and I began to talk.

" Mummy ji are you sure about me getting married to sidharth or anyone?? "

" Why are you asking me this is anything wrong?? "

" It's just I'm not ready for this yet I feel I need some time.... "

" Shehnaaz I can understand you, I know what feelings are you going through right now but beta you are my only daughter I have this dream of watching you get married, and you know about you're brother right  , I hope what mess he has created though he says he likes kajal but I find that girl fishy. It's just that I don't want you get manipulated or ill treated into a marriage like this like you're brother and it's about the family prestige too "

" What about my happiness?? Even I want to get married to the man of my dream?? Am I asking too much?? "

" You are asking what is you're right , but sidharth is the man of you're dream , you haven't seen it yet . I'm you're mother I would never want something which is not right to my daughter I want something which is best for her and for you it is sidharth. Right now you wouldn't understand me but in the future you will thank me for getting sidharth into you're life"

I was just speech less listing to my mother, I couldn't compute. I didn't know what to say maybe she is right or maybe she is wrong if sidharth is my destiny than let it be maybe forever.

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