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I woke up with shehnaaz screaming and crying holding my hand, I look at her to find her crying holding my hand in hers  begging to stop, " Stop what?? ", I thought, shaking her a bit and calling her  waking her up from her nightmare. She woke up looking around than at me, I cupped her face in my palms wiping the corner of her eyes, she bites her lips looking at anything except me.

" Shehnaaz what happened?? What did you dream about?? "

" Nothing it was just a nightmare "

" Are you sure?? You look a bit shaken by the dream. "

" I dreamt that baba died "

She says chocking on her tears, pulling her closer to me rubbing her back she places her head on my chest crying while I tried calming down . She continues her dream making me hold her tight.

" He dies because of blood pressure high having a  strock, sidharth I'm scared if something happenes to him mummy ji had called me stating that he almost collapsed and his blood pressure shoot up . I don't want baba to die "

" Sweetheart you crying like this isn't going to help, will you tell me what exactly did nilam aunty said to you? "

I asked holding her face in my hands she nods her head wipping her tears moving away from me and began telling the conversation between them.

" You know right viraj and kajal are married?? "

" Yaa?? "

" Technically mummy ji had invited them for dinner, everything was going good, baba didn't mind that viraj is married or like kajal at all. But what triggered him was when viraj said he doesn't want to be the CEO of the gill enterprise, lately the business is having some major turn over and profit, it requires more time and stability as it's advancing this good even after the deal with you're father. And baba is also hitting the age of retirement he is just stressed about the business and now viraj quitting blew up his stress level causing him having a stroke "

" Why is viraj quitting?? This doesn't make sense at all because viraj liked the business more than you "

" Exactly, now he is like he doesn't want to continue the business and wants to settle down and as per company's rules the CEO should be the heir or the bloodline "

" So if it isn't him than it's you?? "

" Yaa, I'm actually not happy about that too but the whole baba falling ill has given me a shock, it's like people I like always leave me or betray me in one way or the other. Maybe it's me problem here maybe I'm not the right one you know less fortunate and hapless person "

" Will you shut up, it isn't you . Stop calling you're self with those ugly names shehnaaz why are you still thinking about all of this  . You are not hapless nor you are the problem here it's just the situation "

" Sidharth this isn't the first time my family has been doomed because me, don't try covering up the things I have done "

" You have done nothing!! You haven't doomed anyone or anything that was just a phase for you're family I know you're twin brother shouldn't have died but you weren't the cause of his death "

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