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I walk down the aile wearing the elegant , bright lehenga looking at sidharth who stood under the mandap waiting for me wearing an extravagant sherwani  which was in the similar shade of my lehenga, he had a full blown smile across his face as I reach near him he forwarded his hand helping me to climb up the stairs while people cheered for us.

He fills my hairline with Vermilion I smiled at him sighing as I'm finally married now and my name isn't shehnaaz kaur gill anymore and it's shehnaaz sidharth shukla . We greeted the guests and thanked them for coming, sidharth was holding my hand the entire time I stood next to him as we were talking to his friends karan hugged me congratulating me and sidharth .

" How the hell did you get so lucky sidharth, lucky man "

Said karan hugging me again winking at me I smiled looking at sidharth who was glaring at karan's hand on my shoulder I moved away from him knowing sidharth wouldn't mind beating his best friend up too , he signals me to stand next to him through his eyes and I obey  by standing next to him he was quick  enough pulling me incredibly close to him shooting daggers at karan who started to laugh. I look at sidharth as karna left , asking him what's wrong?? His only response was to stay next to him all the time, I rolled my eyes at his weird behavior looking around smiling.

Kicking my heels off I throw myself over the bed sighing as my legs where paining and I was exhausted as hell by all standing and smiling I look at my hands to find the henna dark crimson in color and looked at sidharth name scribbled on my hand, I watch him as he took his shoes off and unbuttoned the first three buttons of his sherwani drinking some water, I watched as the moment of his adam apple when he drank the water or how the water flows down his neck.

"Stop looking at me like that?? "

" Like what ?? "

" Like you want to have me all by yourself forever "

He says looking at me in his husky voice I looked away as blush crept across my cheeks, he sat on the bed and massaged my foot I got up quick moving away so he doesn't touch my feet again.

" Shehnaaz let me massage you're feet, you look like you are in lot of pain "

" I'm in pain but I don't want you to touch my feet "

" I'm just helping in soothing the pain"

" I know but don't touch my feet "

I said firmly, I got off the bed changing into my nightwear taking all the jewels and make up off. I was having an hard time in un-tie the lace of my lehenga I asked sidharth for help who was quick enough to help.

" No funny business "

I say looking at him through the mirror he ignores my words taking a sweet time in Un-tieing the lace , all the while his fingers brushed my back I felt butterflies and tingling sensation in my abdomen and heart, he left letting me change I walk out to find a shirtless sidharth wearing just a sweatpants looking hot.

" Can you wear a shirt on?? "

" I said you before and I'm repeating again that I don't wear a shirt on while I sleep , for few days I wore it as per you're request from now on I'm walking without a shirt on "

" In front of people?? Or woman?? "

I asked feeling a little possessive and jealous of the fact that except me people would watch sidharth like this, he caught hold of the tone of my voice having a smirk crept on his face walking towards me.

" Do I smell jealousy?? "

" Call whatever you want, but I hate the idea of other  woman watching my husband as there own "

Saying so i pushed him getting on the bed , he holds my hand pushing me on the bed having his right leg around on me as he stares into my eyes.

" I like the possessive side of yours, love to see it often, even if I have to be around any other woman except my wife "

" Well do it, I dare you to do so you will be quick enough to find a blue eye instead of the grey you own "

Saying so I pushed him on his side of the bed falling asleep , I woke up to find myself alone looking around I don't find sidharth around but heard the water running knowing he was taking a shower I pull my phone out to find it's 11am and we had to greet the media at 1pm , I walk in to sidharth who was looking into his bags holding my pink and green suit in his hand trying to match our outfits rolling my eyes I moved into the bathroom taking a quick shower wearing my pink and green suit on matching sidharth's green kurta. I was fixing my dupatta on while sidharth was hugging me from the back clinging to me like a baby listening to me as I spoke about the wedding he pulls me in for a breathtaking kiss smudging my lipstick off , I stomp my feet fixing the lipstick when sidharth's stops me saying I was removing his kiss off me.

" I can't walk like a clown having a smudged lipstick on my face sidharth let me take it off "

Saying so I pick the wet wipes up to wipe the stain off, he threw the wipes away and rubs the stain from his thumb not allowing me to apply the lipstick on again saying " It would be impossible for me to kiss you without smudging the lipstick off " He says nuzzling his face in my neck placing tender kisses down my shoulder  I didn't stop him as it's been almost three days since I had asked him for time. I ignored him for three days I would just stand next to him as we had to be around each other for the wedding events but except  that we didn't share a single word to each other he had patience enough to let me be by myself for two days and the third day everything broke losse as he stomped into my room at 4am in morning demanding for me to stop ignoring him as he was feeling annoyed by it and it his thing to do.

" Sidharth we are getting late "

"  I don't care , I need to spend time with my wife because you never know when she changes her mind and ignore me again for another eight days "

" I'm sorry ok, I needed time "

" I gave it to you as per you're request you left me confused and played with my emotions you ignored my presence but made sure you showed affection towards me by hugging me Or sticking to me though the end number of times you wouldn't even  stay around where I would be present and now the time is up and I need all the pampering and cuddles "

" You're not a baby "

" Well I'm you're baby sweetheart "

" Well I'm you're baby sweetheart "

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