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After an exhausting nine hour flight I threw myself over the bed turning the air conditioning on relaxing myself, I could hear shehnaaz talking to the hotel staff paying them tips and walked in. I slept with an open eyes watching her every move , she took her clothes out of the bag moving to the bathroom.  I relaxed  myself taking my shoes off comfortably sleeping pulling the sheets on myself, I could hear the doors unlocking and shehnaaz walked in looking exhausted.

" Why do you look like you just cleaned the entire bathroom?? "

" Sidharth don't I'm not the mood "

Saying so she threw herself next to me on the bed covering herself with the sheets, I pulled it off her to find her glaring at me.

" Sleep on the couch I need the bed "

" Fuck off I can't, you sleep on the couch "

" I'm too tall for it, it's suitable for you're 5 foot height "

" I'm 5 foot 5 inch, I'm not going to fit on that couch you sleep "

" I'm the boss "

" I'm on my periods !!! Don't test my patience "

She says spitting fire at me like a dragonball z, not really she looked pretty bad not going to lie there. Covering herself again through the blanket , I picked up the phone calling for room service. I ordered myself some coffee and sandwich and for shehnaaz I ordered some ice cream and chicken nuggets knowing she would be craving for those foods a lot now.

I walked out changing myself into my shorts, she threw the blanket off her looking irritated, she was looking around until her eyes met mine.

" Sidharth wear a shirt on "

" I don't like to sleep with my shirt on"

" I don't care wear a shirt on right away ".

She says throwing a pillow at me, I wore my tshirt back on picking up the food which arrived, I drank my coffee while shehnaaz was just standing near the window looking out.

" Oye gadhi don't you want to eat some ice cream "

I said taking a bite of my sandwich, she looked at the food and than at me with a teary eyes, I quickly passed her some tissues knowing she will need it to clean her nose in few minutes.

" Ohhh thank you sidharth, I forgive you for whatever you have done for me for doing this for me thank you "

" I just ordered you food!! "

She just smiled with her teary eyes eating some ice cream, I was just looking at her through open mouth now it confirmed me that she has a bi-  polar personality. She completed her ice cream in a go and placed her legs on my lap, I unconsciously started massaging her feets.

" Sidharth I was thinking that we should explore London "

" I'm here for shoot not to play treasure hunt "

" Shut up, you are here for work not me , I want to enjoy , explore the place eat amazing food , click some pictures and so on "

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