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I sat next to rita aunty going through sidharth and mine childhood picture's reliving the memories once again, I was just gushing over the fact that my husband look's so cute when he was kid and couldn't less say how amazing of a baby he was than but now he is a complet opposite of being all cute and awww.

" You know sidharth straight away called me after I invited you guy's home for you day's staying with us "

" Ohh why did he?? "

" He called me just to let me say to get rid of the strawberry plant's grown in our garden because he know's how much you love plants and like to sit in the mini garden he hated the fact that the strawberries might effect you so I had to get rid off them "

" Ohh I'm so sorry aunty, why would you do something like that just for me?? "

" Shehnaaz you are my daughter if those plants could effect you I would straight away get rid of them and more over I wanted to get it out and it was actually good that sidharth called me before hand "

Isn't he all charming and caring, I'm just amazed knowing that sidharth would do something like this just for me, well he was the same guy's who chocked me on strawberries. After finishing up a cup of coffee with rita aunty I thought of meeting sidharth who was in his office going through some scripts I was more than happy that rita aunty got me accompanied but I need my husband now, she knew that I couldn't be away from him for a minute and she wasn't very much being on keeping me away from him knowing how I was fidgeting with my fingers tapping my foot desperately.

I get inside the office without knowing to find him deeply indulged reading a script I lock the door making sure not creating too much of noise around and tip toes towards his seat.

" Baby you do know that I know you are right here in the room ?? , why are you so quite?? "

He says still looking at the monitor with his glass on looking sexy as hell, well we are one of the couple's who look sexy in and without the glasses .

" How do you know I'm here?? "

" Shehnaaz I can feel you miles away and nobody smells so delicious and tempting "

" Geeez you are sounding like a
dog "

" I'm your dog "

Saying so he mimics to bark like a dog making me burst into fist of laugh, he moves his seat back tapping his lap asking me to sit which I did he wrapped his right hand around my waist placing his chin over my shoulder scrolling through the screen.

" Well I have Charlie I don't need anymore dog's now "

Listening to me Charlie barks who followed me in to meet his dad taking a seat on the carpet, he is chunky 4 months pup looking all in his golden retriever energy I was Starring at my boy Charlie admiring him when I felt sidharth biting my neck, turning around I fist a bunch of his hair in my hands letting a moan as he sunk his teeth deep inside my flesh, he sucks on it soothing it out a little.

" Stop admiring him baby, the only person you admir is me "

" Well you need to be charming and handsome enough to be admired "

" I think you have forgot how handsome and charming I look when I..... "

" Shhh sidharth don't say it out loud I don't want Charlie hearing it "

I say stopping him saying about the deeds he was about to do , but who can stop sidharth shukla . He doesn't listen to my warning and continues to dirty talk saying how he wouldn't care about what people hear and the only thing that matter to him is how he would show me how charming and and handsome he looked. I look into his eyes to find the fire in them to prove his point, he pulls the straps of my loungewear pulling the top off throwing it on the ground, he takes my bra off in a single click dropping it on the ground and runs his fingers on my neck pulling me for a kiss when the door's jerks open , I quickly stood behind sidharth covering myself he wrapped his hands around me making sure that I'm well hidden.

" Acha shehnaaz sidharth listen...... "

" Mom yaar couldn't you knock on the door "

" Ohh I'm sorry, but why couldn't you do things at you're room "

" Mom!! "

Sidharth whines like a child looking at rita aunty who was flushed she quickly leaves the room not before saying " I don't mind having grandkids all ready , just make sure they are just cute as you guy's were ". I giggle as sidharth groan , picking up my top up I pull it back on me getting dressed again but sidharth wouldn't let me, he cupped my face in his palms wanting to kiss me when Ashoka uncle called us to meet him down making sidharth slam his face against my shoulder.

" My parents would be the main reason for my cock block "

I giggle tapping his face lovingly blowing him a kiss, entering our room or sidharth childhood room I was going through some of our clothes setting it in his closet while sidharth left for his ad shoot for prada with poonum. Sidharth thought I would be angry or sad at the fact that he would be working with poonum, though I hated the fact that he has to work with her but I know being professional is much more important and it's just a shoot anyways. I folded the last set of clothes when my phone buzzes thinking it's another chicky message from sidharth I smile opening a message from an unknown number to find a video.

Clicking on the video I find poonum kissing sidharth , I could feel my eye's covering with unshed tears threatening to fall, I wipe it away, watching the video fully again I tried hard to not to let the tears out but I couldn't, I could feel my chest paining by the amount of pain I was feeling. I pick my car keys and my wallet walking out of my room, I saw preeti rushing to me seeing tears in my eye's I didn't say her what happened, just said her I was heading out she insisted on coming with me but I denied her. I walk down the stairs opening the door to find sidharth walking in exhausted, he paused looking at me confused.

" Where are you going ?? "

" It's non of you're damm business "

" Baby what's wrong were you crying ?? "

" Don't come near me, stay away "

I said as he tried approaching me, he was a little taken back by my outburst I just wanted to cry even more after seeing him in front of me I walk out of the house as I could feel my walls breaking, he rushed behind me questioning me again.

" Well stop pretending Mr sidharth shukla, stop asking me what happened when you clearly know the reason behind it "

" You got to know about it, I was about to tell you first . I swear on God
baby... "

" Just stop it already , you don't need to lie to me anymore sidharth I have clearly seen the video of you and her kissing each other "

" Wait what video?? What video are you talking about?? "

I glare at him wipping my tears away biting my lips hard , he tried taking a step towards me which only made me move away from him. I could see the hurt flashing in his eyes but I couldn't care less.

" Did you and poonum kiss each other or not sidharth ?? You better speak the truth "

" Yes, but it isn't... "

" That's the only answer I needed "

Saying so I looked at him for the last time opening my car he holds the door closing it making it heard for me to open it.

" Shehnaaz baby please listen to me it isn't what it looks like "

He says in a breaking voice hugging me from the behind holding me tight I tried taking his hands off me but his grip tighten around me making me cry hearder.

" Please let me go sidharth I don't want to stay here anymore please let me go I'm begging you please "

" Baby don't cry, let's talk about it. You can fight hit me or even punch me but please don't leave "

" I swear on God sidharth if you don't let me go now, you will find yourself holding a divorce papers "

I say biting my lips wipping my tears, he let's me go moving back I got inside my car from the corner of my eye's I could see him wipping his tears away controlling himself but I couldn't stay here knowing he has cheat on me, I start my car driving away from here .

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