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I sat next to shehnaaz ordering myself some aberlour a'bunadh , she was glaring at me for the act I just pulled but hey , I can't help myself to get angry whenever I see arjun . He is the fucking reason why she is working with me and let me tell you he is nothing but a pies of shit.

" Why would you say that?? He looked hurt you know?? "

" Hurt?? If he is so scared ask him to run to his mother, I hate his guts. "

" He didn't do anything to you at all, stop being a baby "

" I'm being a baby please.. You are the baby here, you haven't changed a bit haven't you. He is using your innocence and kindness ... "

" By asking me out to be his plus one sidharth, it's not a big deal I have been you're plus one from the day I'm working with you. If he asked me the favour of going out with him for a day , you don't have to make big deal out of it "

" It's not a one day thing, he is taking you to all the way to new York and later he will ask you on a date next to be his girlfriend and next what mother of his child "

" Please!! You are taking this over board like come on, if the children's are as annoying as you I don't need any of them anyways I was going to cancel on him"

" Ohh when would it be... after him sending you the tickets like come on shehnaaz give me a break "

" Well if he would have sent me the tickets I wouldn't have gone because I will be leaving for London with you "

Saying so she chugged her negroni and got off her seat, I saw her moving towards the restroom . I ordered myself an other drink looking around and found arjun talking to some people at the party.

" This shit, why can't he leave shehnaaz alone. He is the entire reason why I broke my friendship with her "

We three went to the same school along with my best friend karan, I and shehnaaz knew each other exactly from the day we were born as our families are close to each other and we both instantly clicked as friends not friends but best friends. Everything was going good until arjun   sharma decided to study at our school, I never cared about his existence until he became close to my best friend shehnaaz than what everything took a turn we broke our friendship at 6th grade, I started to hate her, she hated me and it's still going on till date.

I saw her walking back towards the bar when arjun rudely interrupted her by taking her towards the dance floor for a dance. They danced together at the tunes of the music , he whispered something into her ear which made her look at my direction, I didn't take my eyes of her and nor did she. She continues dancing with him but had her complete attention towards me I smirked drinking my drink at one go moving towards the dance floor.

" Can I have a dance with my date?? "

" I was here before sidharth! "

" Well too bad because it seems like she can't take her eyes off her date which is me so move "

Saying so I replaced arjun who scowled moving away leaving me with shehnaaz, she looked at me and then at arjun who was walking away .

" You know how to get on people's nerves don't you?? "

" Well I was just saying the truth, he was trying to steal my date. I had to say something "

" You're pathetic "

" Not more than you're "

I drove us back to shehnaaz house, which wasn't fare from my house we were just two streets apart. We got into the elevator .

" You have a meeting with kiran tomorrow and dinner with you're family "

" Why are you saying me now?? Are you not coming for work tomorrow?"

" You forgot again!! I'm taking leave tomorrow sidharth. "

" Why?? "

" I'm have dinner with my parents too, I said you few weeks back about this "

I just nodded my head getting inside her house, I so wanted her to get back to work tomorrow because let me be honest here. " I can't work all by myself without shehnaaz " She has been working for me from past five years and there isn't been a day where I couldn't program all by myself with out her. I sat on her leather black couch looking around her house , which was perfect, it was warm, cozy and fussy. It's like I'm back to home again there were minute details of starts everywhere because shehnaaz loves stras, and is also obsessed with plants so you can find tones of plants around. She got me a glass of water, making herself comfortable on the couch.

" I will be E-mailing you about you're day tomorrow, you're clothes are already taken out for tomorrow. I have asked isha my chef to make you meals for tomorrow and I have also appointed akbar uncle to be you're driver for the day. Is there anything else you want me to do??"

" I want you to wash my white shirts, you know I don't like asha di's work. "

" Asshole "

Today was fucking exhausting, I had a terrible day, I couldn't cope up with things happening around me. The meeting went fine but the rest I had no one to torment around, the one I irritate the most wasn't there today and that woman she didn't even call me Or asked me that do I need her help. However tomorrow she is attending the party hosted by my sister I will make sure she will fucking remember this for eternity. I rang the bell of my parents house, the butler opened the door I got inside to find my sister and my parents chatting. We greeted each other and decided to have the dinner .

" Sidharth "

" Yes maa"

"you know I was just having this conversation with you're father. We were thinking it's time for you to get married "

" Married?? Mom I'm just twenty five, i have to work ahead and earn a lot more money than I owen now "

I said taking the bite of the chicken, I saw preeti giggling looking at the frown forming on my face when my dad spoke gaining our attention.

" I know you are still young and has lot more things to look around and learn but sidharth you're over working you need someone to look after you and be with you. You can't have you're mother or me to be around you all the time "

" Papa!! "

" Just give a thought about it sidharth, you're mother and I want you to settle down "

" Is there anyone you are looking sidharth and haven't said us?? "

Said my mom who smiled at me.

" No I don't have time for this. "

" Would you like to have an arrange marriage?? "

" Arrange marriage?? "

" If you are ok with it "

" Anything you're happy about maa, I will get married "

" Ok than I will ask roopa to find you a suitable wife than "

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