" PARLE - G"

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I got inside my vanity van to find my phone buzzing rolling my eye's I find multiple phone calls from nilam aunty " It was 9:00 pm at the night what could possibly be?? " Thinking so I called her back , she picks the call at the first ring she answers the call panicking I could hear shehnaaz and viraj arguing at the background nilam aunty asked me to get home as soon as possible because shehnaaz and viraj are into a fight and it's getting out of hand.

I walked inside the gill mansion to find viraj yelling at shehnaaz who had  red eyes I just stood there taking a look of her she had her fist balled into a fist her knuckles were white , her eyes were red but she wasn't crying she was shaking and had a nerve popped on her neck, looking around I find nilam aunty agast looking at her kids viraj was furious I  got out of my thoughts listing to shehnaaz.

" You are fucking yelling at me for slapping her, she fucking deserve it. She has been stealing money from our account all this while you are ignoring that and calling me out for slapping her "

" You can't blame her for things she haven't done shehnaaz don't try justifying you're falls accusations on her to cover you're mistakes "

" You think I'm lying?? You know me well enough that I would never lie viraj she has been extorting money from our account  "

" You are just doing this because you are tierd handling the business all ready I'm pretty sure you would have screwed something up and blamed her on it "

Shehnaaz stood dumbfounded listening to viraj , I so wanted to slap some senses inside viraj head but I couldn't because he is my brother in law and I have respect for him.

" I have a proof to show you that I'm not a liar "

" What proof are you talking about I don't even know where did viraj even work?? "

Says kajal coming forward holding viraj arms I saw shehnaaz looking at her with a murderous look on her face which was terrifying as hell , kajal was  shaken up by shehnaaz stare she took the file from the couch giving it to viraj still glaring at kajal. He looked through the file closely with puzzled expression on his face ooking at shehnaaz.

" Why are you all quite now??? What does it say?? Ohh you can't say,  let me say it out loud total amount of 3.5 crore has been taken from the accounts bits and pieces in 6 month's, do you have any kind of fucking explanation on this anonymous withdrawal , it has a name to it too stating viraj singh gill "

" I haven't withdrawn any money maybe someone from the company has ".

" Without you're signature nobody can take the money out remember "

" So now you are blaming viraj for the money extortion "

Pitched in kajal with arrogance shehnaaz stomped her foot taking predator steps towards her , "Knowing shehnaaz pretty well I knew she was going to slap or hit her again " , I quickly marched towards shehnaaz stopping her from walking any further pulling her back holding her in my arms as she sighs with anger.

" Did you see viraj, aunty ji she was going to attack me again "

" Attack you ?? I will fucking slap you left and right throwing some brain into your damm head and drag you to the fucking police station you little pieces of shit "

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