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I pushed my annoying brother on the couch twisting his left hand behind his back keeping my leg over his back and pulled his hair, he was yelling for mercy where I had no intention of letting him go.

" Shehnaaz leave me, you are pulling my hair's off and turning me bald "

" You ate my chocolate cake, how dare you?? "

" It was just one slice"

" You ate the entire cake moron , I'm going to kill you "

I said glaring at him our parents walked in and looked at us  horrified seeing this my mom  yelled at us while my dad just rolled his eyes at us as he knew this wasn't something new for him. My mom was now scolding us for being immature and old enough to have kids but still behave like one. We stood still listening to her when my dad decided to stop her.

" Nilam it's fine, they are kids you know how they are. Let's just leave we are getting late for the party "

" Come on rajeev don't you see how they act, how old are you guys 27 and 25 how do you act as 7and 8 you guys need to grow up "

I decided to pitch in by apologising to my mom, because someone needed to stop her or she wouldn't stop her lecturing us. She nodded in agreement and said something which made me mad.

" Shehnaaz you know tanaja khurana right?? "

" Yaa "

" I want you to meet her son gaurav "

" Why?? "

" I think he is you're type and it's time for you to get married "

I looked at her dumbfound so did my brother and my dad while my mom just shrugged her shoulder.

" Mummy ji I can't get married!!! I'm so young and I don't think you are ready for grand kids "

" Oh come on don't speak nonsense, shehnaaz he is an amazing man he is exactly you're type and I have already spoken to tanaja about it. I want you to talk to him at shukla'a party "

" Baba !! "

I whined looking at baba with my puppy dog eyes I saw him melting which made me smirk internally, he looks at my mom who had a dead pan look.

" Nilam she is so young , I don't think so she is ready for marriage yet "

" I'm not listening to you Rajeev , I have made my mind and that's it she is talking to gaurav and I'm finale with my decision "

" Suppose she likes someone else, do you like anyone shehnaaz?? "

Asked my dad facing me I just bobbed my head negativity which made my mother smile she walked towards me placing her hands on my shoulder gently squeezing it .

" I'm doing this for you're good shehnaaz, don't hate me. I'm just looking out for my kids he is a wonderful boy, why don't you talk to him. If you don't like my choice , I would welcome who ever you like open hands to our family . Please for my happiness "

I just stood there looking like the stupidest person out there I didn't know what to say or what to do?? It is and was my mother's dream to get me married, where my dad well how do I put this up. Let me get this straight my dad hates the idea of me having a boyfriend or guy friend if he had the choice he wouldn't let me get married to anyone but you know he is a type of a man who is head over heels in love with my mom and can never say no to her and so am I. I was got back to reality by my brother viraj.

" But mummy ji how do you know gaurav is the one, and shehnaaz will approve him to be her husband "

My mom smiled looking at viraj and placed her palm over my face and said..

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