" RED / NUDE "

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By the end of the shoot I wanted to kill everyone around me especially sidharth for annoying me and making me walk behind him like a dog. I was feeling a bit off so I decided to go to a cafe near by. After driving for few minutes I found a cute cozy cafe near the set's sitting on one of the seats I took the book placed in the shelf ordering myself a coffee. Sitting in the cafe for a while reading the book and sipping on some coffee I smelt the fleshly baked goods craving of wanting some lemon cake I thought of ordering only to find one in front of me. I look up to find sidharth sitting opposite to me with a coffee for himself and some pasties.

" You bought me this?? "

" Can you see someone else except me?? Who could get you something here?? "

I shook my head taking the bite of the lemon cake, which was lemony and sweet. I squealed by the bursts of flavour in my mouth. Sidharth clears his throat which made me look at him.

" The crew has decided to go out for dinner tonight "

" What's the catch?? "

" The producer and the company head is also arriving, I want you to be my date for tonight "

" God!!! Is there any other way for me to skip this party at any cost "

" Let me see!!! you're my assistant and my finance so sorry love you have no choice but be my date tonight "

" Don't call me that!! "

" Loveeeeeeeee"

I cuddled myself into sidharth shoulder pretty well knowing what am I doing?? , he is like a massive real size bear who I want to cuddle to sleep . I could feel his breath over my hair which was covering my face, he had his arm around my shoulder holding me against him while I had my hands around his back hugging the crap out of my life size bear. I knew it was time for dinner but ohh well sidharth has forgotten about it and we are sleeping in.

" Shehnaaz I know you are awake so wake up before I drag you to the bathroom "

He says still having his eyes close I look up biting my lips closing my eyes who took his hand of me and the warmth around my shoulder also disappear like his arm.

" I will count till five, get you're butt into the bathroom or let me do it "

He says in a warning tone I got up quickly knowing pretty well he could do that for real I took  my towel rushing to the bathroom hearing him laugh at the back " You are such a dog!!! " I yelled back slamming the door shut frustrated.

I winged my eyeliner, dabbing some blush on to my cheeks completing my natural make up look, I was a bit skeptical about wearing a red lip stain which would match my outfit, I look up through the mirror finding sidharth buttoning the cuffs of his shirt, he wore a black outfit similar color like mine, he had his first three buttons undone showing his well built chest with a messy  damp hair which needed to be tamed, he took some silver rings out wearing it along with the engagement ring which I find oddly never off his hand. I stood there still not knowing what was I going to say as I was blown away by how he looked.

Holding my lip stains up high in the air thinking of asking his suggestion I called him out, he looks up with his daunting grey eyes which one's  I loved.

" What is it shehnaaz?? Is it a drool I see from the corner of you're mouth?"

He says smirking having his hands in the pants pocket, I glared at him making me thinking " Why would I think this jerk to be hot anyways!! ".

" Choose a shade sidharth, red or nude?? "

I said shaking   the bottle, he waks up to me looking closely at the shade picking up the nude one, I placed it back into my make up bag applying the red one on smirking at him, he grinned placing his hand on my shoulder looking at me through the mirror.

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