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I held his hand tight in my own as his breath goes uneven I peck his cheeks multiple times thinking it might comfort him and he knows that I'm here for him forever and would never leave whether how hard he pushes me away from him. The thought of sidharth dealing something so traumatic scares me because it never hinged my notice that my best friend or my husband is going through a lot. I had always put myself in front between us becoming selfish that I forgot how desperately sidharth needed the true words of comfort and affection towards him, though he had money, fame, luxury and family who loves him, but he never got the inner peace he needs the most and I can blame myself forever for pushing sidharth to depths of longing pit of dark.

" I bullied you because I couldn't fathom the fact that I was depending on you, my world revolved around you everything you did, do or say. I hated when arjun tried taking my spot I hated that he is trying to be sidharth in shehnaaz life which I despair the most because the only sidharth shehnaaz wants in her life is sidharth shukla not someone who is trying to be me or being my clone showing up saying it's me . As much I was selfish about letting you be with someone else at the same time  I didn't wanted to be selfish and wanted to let you go because I would be nothing but a walking shame next to you carrying my disorder around thinking that you would initially push me away by yourself I decided to give up on us "

" You could have talked to me about

" I did try but seeing how happy you were having arjun around I never thought you needed me so I decided on making up this whole plan of you hating and break our friendship for good and for both of us,  It did work, you hated me with everything , you hated that I would push you into the pool at our school knowing well that you didn't know how to swim, stealing your assignments at the time of submission, saying things which weren't true like you wanted to be my girlfriend taking place of Shannon I know it did go wrong were people started to call you names I did try stopping it but things went wrong and how I would scare every guy to not even look at you or go on a date except for ranbir who ignored my threats "

" You scared boys at our school?? "

I asked shocked listening to his confession, " So wait that's why all the boys at our school would just leave or run when I would approach them just to ask notes or something  related to sport's, because they were scared of sidharth and his hand's off rule ". I thought as everything clicked in I watch him as he was smirking at his achievement of keeping boys away from me.

" So what about kushal ?? The one who asked me for dance , he never showed up on the dance floor during the fest "

" Because I had beaten the living shit off him and he had taken to the hospital immediately that's why he couldn't come "

This guys let me tell you , I knew sidharth was possesive over things or what belong to him but I never knew he would do something like hitting kushal black and blue poor guy didn't attend the school after all of that and left the school in mid semester. I asked him to continue to know further what happened.

" You know after our boards  mumma wanted to send me to the best college in our city and she even said that you would be also joining the same along with me as per nilam aunt's words, to be honest I was looking forward to be at the same college as you'rs though we wouldn't talk to each or the fact that you hated me still I wanted to go to the same university as you'rs. When I visited the party hosted by your parents for the success of there recent restaurant chain I got the biggest shock of my life from my mother she said that you would be leaving for Australia in a week to complete you're university and were even thinking of settling in Australia, at that moment I felt I lost you forever though I was the one who purposely pushed you for my own good couldn't take the idea of sending you away from me to a completely different country where you would even forget that back home in india there was even a guy name sidharth who would bully me or I hate him. That thought scared me the most and I had my thrid ever break down "

He says looking anywhere except me I let go of his hand moving closer towards him resting my head over his chest wrapping my hands around his neck rubbing the back of his head and neck to calm him down, he holds me tight resting his head over mine continuing.

"At the beginning it was hard for me to even accept the fact that you left me. You never tried visiting me before you left or never informed me when we're you leaving. I wouldn't ask anyone about you because I felt if I get a news regarding things related to you I would be in an urge of wanting you and to know everything about you, but still I would ask karan to call you and know what were you doing, how are you, do you needed something, we're you safe or you had a man behind you "

" I remember the times karan called me asking doubts about history chapter and tried digging about what was I up to or where I was "

" I payed him to do so, he did say me multiple times to just call you and speak to you but the guilt of bullying you or the fact that I could never have the same relationship I had with you before, but let me tell you baby. I was the most happiest one out there to see you back home I remember that I couldn't contain the excitement of seeing you again and let's just say that you were beautiful before and after. Making me mesmerized by you're charm, beauty, and you're infamous witty personality and when my manager said that you were here for the job interview of being my assistant I just couldn't say no for an offer and accepted you immediately "

" Why did you bully me later than?? "

" I liked seeing you angry seeting with rage and venom spitting out of you're mouth which just made you look incredibly sexy and hot that I wanted to feast you as my 13 course meal for the rest of my life "

I gasped listening to his bold confession looking up I find sidharth grinning at me with eyes filled with Lust and hunger he moves his face near mine stealing a kiss from me I glare at him moving back he caught me before I got away pulling me back towards him capturing me into a hungry kiss getting a squeal out of me but I kissed him back passionately moulding myself over him fitting perfectly into his arms solving a puzzle. I could feel the desire of wanting him more and more as he peppers me with kisses all over my neck and shoulder throwing away my jacket off, I strangle sidharth through my hands as he tortured my jaw line and neck brutally with his teeth leaving several marks all over me

He picks me up carrying  towards our bedroom dropping me over the bed gently as I was a fragile doll made out of glass who would break if you wouldn't handle it with care . He hovers over me undressing himself and me I could feel his heated gaze over me which made me feel all jittery forming a blush I covered myself feeling conscious he pulls my hand off my face looking deep into my eyes.

" I wouldn't want you to hide you're self away from me we'll aware that you belong to me and there is no need to feel shy  from me and baby I'm still waiting for you to just say yes so that I could proceed in having what is

He says with his husky deep voice looking anything but me waiting for my response I nod my head saying yes asking him to take what is his without him asking or beginning for having what belongs to him wheather it's my love, soul , or my entire self because I don't belong to myself from the day I meet you sidharth.

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