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I took a seat at the corner of the restaurant , waiting for arjun my friend. It was 8 am in the morning I had no intention of waking up so early in the morning after coming home at 2 am midnight after the movie primer and sorting out the mess created by sidharth. But I had promised arjun we would have breakfast together.  I saw him walking in and waved my hand and got off my seat, we greeted each other and sat down ordering food.

" So how are you little nazzi?? "

" Tierd , hungry and annoyed "

" I'm sorry "

" You should be but  it's fine , you didn't know he was such an ass anyways "

" If I knew he was going to be the boss you would be working with, I wouldn't have suggested you about this work "


I sat next to arjun on my living room couch passing him some chips and popcorn to munch on during the football match. He turned the volume down turning towards me gaining my attention.

" Shehnaaz how is you're work with miss malhotra going on?? "

" Miss malhotra is a lovely lady but at times she can be bit catty and blunt but it's not like anything I couldn't handle "

" Fair enough, do you remember our friend rishab?? "

" Rishabh verma ?? "

" Yes him, he has a film creation company where he has launched some amazing actor's and his team is looking for an assistant for there renowned main lead "

" You want me to work for him /her??"

" Yaa it will pay you good better than this, I have heard he is a brilliant actor and a charming person, you know any ways after few months miss malhotra is stepping down her place, it's better that you actually work for an young talent like him "

" I will think about "

Yes after that conversation I decided to dig my own grave by quitting my job as Miss malhotra assistant and chose this monster. We had our breakfast and talked about or more you can call it as we gossiped. My phone started to ring, I rolled my eyes looking at the number.

" Yahhh what do you want?? "

" I need you right now!! "

" What is it??"

" It's an emergency!! "

" Emergency?? Are you alright hello sidharth are you there?? "

I picked my things up paying for our meal, I look up to arjun who understood what's happening. I bid him goodbye rushing to my car.

" What happened are you ok?? "

" Are you bleeding?? "

" Did you fall or broke your nose?? "

I said throwing my bag on the couch rushing towards his room , to find him standing in the middle of the room holding the remote controler.

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