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I scrolled through the Instagram searching for shehnaaz I'd but couldn't find one, I asked her multiple times but she wouldn't give it away I didn't want people thinking I don't follow my own wife on social media though I don't care what people say or think but I'm desperate enough to know what's in her profile I tap shehnaaz arms which were wrapped around my torso she didn't look up  she was busy watching a movie hugging me.

" Shehnaaz can you at least give me you're insta I'd now "

" No "

"Why not??? "

" I don't want you or you're fans checking my account anyways I have all ready been tagged into so many pictures of yours I don't want any of them Dm me regarding you "

" Sweetheart I'm you're husband , why can't I have you're id unless there is something you are hiding in it "

I say intruding and feeling a little possesive to know what's up with her insta id shehnaaz move away from me sitting up .

" What are you implying on sidharth?? "

" Well I just need you're id "

" Forget about it I'm not giving it away"

She say getting of the bed moving into the walk-in closet, I sat on the bed waiting for her to come out. I have taken an off for a week from work and so has she and we have shifted to our new house so everything is going according to things we have been wanting except the fact that I don't have my wife's insta id. She walked out wearing a yellow dress taking a seat on the vanity chair she does her makeup I interrupt  her .

" Don't put on too much of makeup I like it natural and dare you curl you're hair "

She sticks her tongue out continuing to do her makeup on she does it as per my request keeping it natural and straight she clicks a quick picture of herself and does something in her phone further " Which I think she is posting on her IG" I thought staring at her phone.

" So what are we doing today?? Want to go out or stay in at home "

" Today I'm going to torture you and steal you're phone away from you and make sure you follow me on Instagram "

I say in determination she watched me with wide eyes and said I'm unbelievable but I'm not giving up I will make sure she follows me back and for that I need my wife's insta id. I changed into yellow t-shirt and pants matching my wife,  strolling  at the park near our house taking Charlie for a walk, shehnaaz clicks few pictures of Charlie who was playing around in the park and clicked our pictures too I tried snooping as she was making a video of Charlie but she was quick enough to see me and took her phone away. Stopping by at coffee shop we pick  up some pastries and coffee's to have it at home, taking a bite of the lemon loaf offered by shehnaaz I was strategising a way to get her insta id .

" Sidharth can we twin for the reception party?? "

" Now someone is interested in twinning with me "

" Yes it's me you're wife who wants to twin with you so what are we wearing.... "

" I will only agree when you share you're id with me "

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