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I sat in my room going through the previous financial reports of the business, I had shifted back at my parents house as per mummy ji's request. She wanted me to move back as I would be married next month and wants to spend some time with the family, kajal has officially shifted to the gill properties I haven't spoken to her yet because I'm fucking angry with my brother and anything related to him infuriates me . And I also couldn't get my head around ignoring sidharth in the car as it is his job of ignoring me, but I couldn't compute any words as I was physically present and mentally absent after talking to my mother.

I look up as my room door was opened thinking it was my mother who has an habit of entering my room without knocking only to find kajal standing in front of me smiling which wasn't a real one I can say you that.

" Haven't you heard about something called as knocking?? "

" I wanted to have a chat with my sister in law and my friend, so don't mind me if I do so "

" I'm obviously fucking going to mind because I have something called as job to work unless I'm not a free hag like you who is staying under my brothers money "

I say standing up looking at her with annoyance, I knew pretty well what kajal is up too. She thinks sweet talking into my brother would get her the money and fame our family holds as this isn't her first rodeo, she has forgotten that I know her more than anyone in this house , though we studied in the same college and were friends before she had masterd the act of innocence which was later discovered by me and my friends. Her thinking that she could happily ruine my brother's life without leaving a hint of doubt about her behind is pathetic she doesn't know who she is about face or going to.

" Now don't be mean to you're sister in law shehnaaz, we are family remember. I just came to chat about you're soon to be married life and you're future "

" I don't want you to have any kind of a concern or talk regarding my future or my husband I would love to see you as far away from me and my fiance, or I wouldn't mind throwing you out "

" Throwing me out from where here?? I belong and deserve to be here more than you are, don't forget you are the murderer enjoying the life of a victim where it suppose to be yash instead. "

" I'm not the murderer, it was just an accident "

" You are fooling yourself by thinking you are a victim but you are nothing but a lousy brat living the best life which isn't meant to be yours "

" What about you than? Do you think you deserve to be my brother's wife?? Making me feel guilty of something which I haven't done is what you are doing which fucking isn't going to work on me. I will crush you down if you cross my way remember that though I look calm and innocent you fucking don't know what I'm capable off, go away before I do something to you which wouldn't be good on you're side. "

I said with a wicked smile spread across my face she visibly gulps getting scared listening to my threat  and moves out not before throwing  a look to me , I shrugged it off getting back to work when someone walked in again thinking it's kajal I yelled at her to leave.

" Easy there darling, look's like someone is still in a bad mood like the afternoon "

Looking up listening to the voice which I was dreading to hear all the while from the afternoon , finding sidharth sitting on my bed looking at me with a grin I rub my eyes thinking I was hallucinating but no I wasn't , I ran towards him pouncing over him like a lion knocking him on the bed and hugged him, I don't know what got into me and why am I hugging this monster but it felt right for a moment in doing so.

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