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Tossing and turning around on our bed as I couldn't sleep anymore I ran my hand over shehnaaz which was apparently a empty spot next to me I woke up thinking she left the house again without informing me. Marching down the living room after looking everywhere in the house , seeing her sitting on the couch watching a movie she looks at me and smiled lifting her arms in the air calling me I blitz into her arms hugging her she chuckles saying my stubble tickles her.

Resting my face over shehnaaz abdomen and hugging her waist having my body over her legs I watch the movie along with her as she massages my head gently putting me into a blissful satisfaction.

" Sidharth can I know how did you get hurt?? "

She asks still running her finger's through my hairs , I just close my eyes thinking what could I possibly say that makes shehnaaz believe in me I didn't want to lie to her because she is my wife and we need to be honest and loyal with each other but I can't possibly tell her yet.

" It's ok sidharth if you aren't comfortable in sharing it with me it's ok take you're time I'm always here to listen to you "

" You wouldn't leave me like yesterday?? Will you?? "

I look up at her with hopes in my eyes swallowing a lump she smiled shaking her head kissing me as an answer , I lay back down watching the movie while shehnaaz massaged my head putting me into a sleep again like the previous night.

" Where are you going?? "

I ask panicking looking at shehnaaz who was getting dressed, it's obvious that she isn't going for work because she had been in the morning wearing her blazer on she turned towards me asking for an approval nodding my head negatively grabbing her arms I stop her.

" Don't make me repeat shehnaaz where are you going?? "

" To click pictures at the beach side "

" Is it necessary for you to go?? "

I ask hoping she says no, but shehnaaz wasn't giving up , so I had to let her go. It's been exact six minutes since shehnaaz left and I decided to follow her thinking she might leave me and my separation anxiety couldn't handle it, I follow her car everywhere she went she got some white lily's to be exact which is shehnaaz favorite, some food which were chocolate muffins and walnut cake. She stops the car near the beach walking behind her staying a far I watch shehnaaz clicking pictures of the sunset, the ocean, nature and the people on the beach.

Entering the house before her I sat on the couch as usual watching the news she walks in after few minutes carrying the stuff giving me the food which she had got and even the flowers.

" So how was beach sidharth?? "

" What are you talking?? I was in the house?? "

" I know you followed me and you're feet is sandy so stop lying "

She says hitting me with the bouquet of flowers, holding her hand I pull her making her sit on my lap strangling me , I push her hair back kissing the back of her ear and her neck she fits my hair mumbling for me to stop I bite the back of her ear, and kissed to sooth the pain down she exhales a shakey breath when I pushed her blazer down kissing her shoulder I stop to have a look at her she had her eyes closed having a tight hold on me.

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