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Shehnaaz and I sat in kiran's office regarding her quitting the job, this was the only way because we can't go against the contract which I find it as a complet crap. Well not as the biggest crap as yesterday's news that shehnaaz fucking dated someone like what?? Why?? I know, I'm a bit over reacting but hey she was my best friend I had the right to know she was dating someone specially someone like ranbir, God I can't even imagine myself to see them together and the terrible part is my best friend karna knew about this.


As soon as shehnaaz left the house I took my phone out and called karan because I need someone to talk about the issue of shehnaaz dating ranbir. He picked up after two rings.

" Hello bhai what happened?? You are calling me at 12 clock midnight "

" You knew this?? "

" Know what?? "

" Shehnaaz dated ranbir?? "

" Yaa the entire school knew about it except you and let me tell you ranbir was head over heels in love with her but they had to break up for some reasons, unknown though "

" Why didn't you say me about this?? I thought we never had secrets between us?? "

" Well when I tried telling you, you ignored the topic saying you didn't want to hear anything related to shehnaaz "

" I never did that , I get that I hated her but I never said no for gossip which was about shehnaaz "

" You moron!! You never hated her and gossip really if I had ever said you about shehnaaz dating someone which I tried by the way you would hit that dude black and blue because apparently at one point you had a crush on you're bestie shehnaaz "

" I never did... "

" Cut the crap, you broke the friendship because you couldn't deal the fact that you strated liking her more than a friend "

Well he isn't lying but now I just don't feel anything towards shehnaaz. I see her as just as an assistant or a family friend nothing more than that.

Shehnaaz took the contract from the traumatized kiran who sat there still staring at us as he heard we were getting married, shehnaaz signed the agreement happily with a full blown smile. I took the contract signing it back which stated that shehnaaz last working day would be after our trip to London because she is the one who is managing things and would be also payed for till she gets back to India. Lucky girl!!! Shehnaaz waved her hand in front of kiran who now came back to earth .

" Is this for real?? Don't tell me you guy's are lying!! "

" No kirna, I and sidharth are actually getting married. Well wish this was a lie "

She whispered the last part thinking it was heard only to her, too bad but i heard it too.

" But how?? You guys pretended to hate each other all this while to cover the love that you have for each other?? "

" What can i say sidharth is a good actor, and i did learn some bits and pieces from him "

" So how did everything started?? "

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