Blame Part 1

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Victim: Navy Petty Officer Doug White

Serial Killer: Luke Eliason

The witness: Marlene Crown

Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD

Ziva David POV (Third Person Omniscient)



The sound alerted a tired Ziva instantly, she grabbed her gun and hide behind a wall facing the nearest entrance the noise had come from.

It was late at night, and again Tony, as always, was hungry and was off to get food real quick, leaving the brunette to guard the witness alone.

In the safe house, the witness, Marlene Crown, who was under NCIS protection was upstairs sleeping soundly since an hour ago.

Navy Petty Officer Doug White was home from deployment and was found killed when his neighbor's kids accidentally kicked a soccer ball into his lawn.

The serial killer, Luke Eliason, picked his victims who had no one who cared about them. He was getting bolder and upping his game when he still hasn't been caught by the fifth murder, but he had underestimated the ability of Gibbs and his team and the team found out he was the killer. But he was on the run and no one could find him yet.

Luke Eliason killed Petty Officer Doug White because he knew that his parents didn't care about him and he doesn't have close friends. Petty Officer, Doug White's parents were in an ugly divorce and didn't show the best interest of the deceased Petty Officer, they seemed like they didn't care about him and if he was dead or not.

Ziva waited for an assailant to break in the door and attack whoever was in the way to get to the witness, but no one came and not a single sound was heard.

She thought she had misheard whatever weird sound it was.

So just as a precaution, she went up to the witness' bedroom to check on her.

Slowly and quietly, still expecting an attacker, the brunette got to the bedroom.

Swinging the door open, to Ziva's horror she found the bed empty and the window opened.

Immediately, she called Gibbs in shame and panic.


Tony DiNozzo POV (Third Person Omniscient)


Tony came back to the house to see McGee in the bedroom searching for evidence.

"Hey, McGee, why you here looking for - whatever it is you're looking for and where is the witness?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing, DiNozzo." Gibbs walked out of the attached bathroom followed by Ziva.

"Hey boss," Tony greeted him sheepishly.

"Were your burger and fries really that important that you had to go get them?" Gibbs said, his face telling him that he was definitely angry.

The agent instantly hid the fast food take-out bag behind him. "Sorry boss. What happened?" Tony asked.

"I heard a thud and did everything by the book but when I came to check on Ms. Crown, she was gone," Ziva told him.

"Boss, the sheets were left unmade and nothing of the witness' personal belongings are missing, which means whoever abducted her took her in a hurry- " McGee explained.

"Abducted as in assuming that she is still alive." Tony interrupted.

"There wasn't anything that indicated a struggle, meaning Ms. Crown was unconscious when she was taken-"

"Or she left willingly." Tony interrupted again.

"Tony will you stop interrupting me!" McGee said.

"Oh sorry continue on Probie."

"Umm... That's all I got. Sorry Boss"

"Bag and tag everything, check the security cameras," Gibbs ordered.

"Anything else?"

"Gibbs, I am so sorry for losing our witness, I swear I did everything I could-" Ziva rambled.

But Gibbs walked out before she could finish and without noticing Ziva for a single second.

Ziva barely said a single word during the whole process, keeping her head down as she continue on with the investigation.


Ziva David POV (Third Person Omniscient)


Back at the office, Gibbs had just come back from grabbing another cup of coffee.

"What we got?"

"Petty Officer Doug White was killed by the serial killer Luke Eliason, our witness, Marlene Crown, was scared to tell anyone what she witness but we convince her otherwise and put her in a safe house just in case. Then at 0100 today, she seemed to have been abducted. Security cameras didn't show anything" Ziva presented.

Gibbs seemed to not acknowledge her and turned to the two other agents, "Check her credit card and bank statements for any foul play."

"Nothing out of the usual boss," McGee said.

"Then recheck everything on Luke Eliason!"

"Found something, Luke rented a storage unit months ago and went through a lot of trouble to keep it hidden."

"DiNozzo, McGee, Go!"

"What about me?" the brunette asked.

Gibbs didn't reply.

"What? Are you benching me?" Ziva exclaimed as she was usually partnered with Tony.

Gibbs didn't say another word and walked off.


After the longest time of being alone at her desk since she was benched, her mind rambled on all the ways she messed up, blaming herself for everything that happen.

Then the boys finally came back.

And as Gibbs' superpower, he appeared in time to hear their findings.

"Sorry boss, Marlene or Luke weren't there, but we collected some documents and a few items," McGee explained.

"DAMN IT! I WANT THIS SON OF A BITCH IN CUFFS BY NOW." Gibbs yelled in frustration. "Process the documents and take the items down to Abby, NOW!"

McGee scrambled off and Tony grabbed the huge pile of documents off McGee's desk and passed it off to Ziva.

Ziva winced as she heard Gibbs yell, she didn't like to be yelled at. She was constantly yelled at as a kid and she didn't have the greatest childhood experience. In the past, her father had yelled, berated, and shouted at her. Totally and completely destroying her childhood.

Her brain shut down, it didn't work anymore. She couldn't process anything being said to her, everything was a blank. She kept her mouth shut and head down. Staring the papers and pretending to work while her mind slowed to a total stop.



I have no clue about police or federal agents procedures...

I almost forgot today was Monday 😬


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