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Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Medical Stuff, Syncope

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Heatwave... Ziva passes out


It was a hot sunny day as the sun shone down on the team and not a breeze of wind flowing through the grassy field. It was over 30 degrees, but no one had foreseen this heatwave.

The Navy was having a gigantic carnival to boost morale and SecNav, the Director of NCIS and the most important people in the Navy were invited to attend and kick-start the celebration. 

They hadn't planned to accommodate this kind of hot weather when they first planned it but at the last minute, they got ice cream trucks and other kinds of cooling drinks and activities.

"Oh my God, this is going to be so boring!" Tony exclaimed as the team geared up for patrol, putting on his NCIS jacket. "Plus it's messing up my lunchtime!" They had drawn the short straw and had the three-hour shift from 12 to 3 in the afternoon, right in the middle of lunch.

"Shut up, Tony." Ziva was feeling warm and fuzzy under the summer sun and was in no mood to listen to his incredibly annoying complaining. "Stop whining or I'll hurt you." The trained assassin eyed him with a dangerous glare that said 'I'm gonna kill you with a paperclip' and he was smart enough to back off.

"Tony suck it up and we'll eat lunch after patrol." To avoid an altercation between the two agents, Gibbs decided to pair himself with Ziva and Tony can hash it out with McGee. "Ziva with me, DiNozzo you're with McGee." He said, handing Ziva her NCIS jacket.

"Do I have to wear it? It is so hot out." Ziva asked a rhetorical question as she gave puppy eyes to Gibbs which she knew was futile. Sweat was rolling down her face as she wiped it with the back of her hand once again.

The silver-haired agent looked back with apologetic eyes. "NCIS policy Ziver." As he led the way to start their patrol.

The two agents had a casual conversation while they walked around as they looked for anyone who seemed to need their assistance. It was a pretty chill job considering most of the participants were Marines, they were only here to protect the director and deal with any external threats.


They were near the end of their shift and were sitting on a nearby bench for a five-minute break for their tired legs when Ziva was feeling increasingly fuzzy and warmer than usual like she had a fever.

Ziva looked dazed to the world and she hunched over resting her chin on her hands zoned out. Everything around her seemed unreal, the world around them blurred in the back of her mind, the loud noises from the carnival sounded faint.

"Ziver you okay?" Even Gibbs' voice sounded blurry as clear concern laced in his voice. He watched the younger agent pause for a long time before replying.

"Yes, let's get back to work." She stood up abruptly and felt the world blurred. Her head felt lightheaded, her ears buzzed and her whole body swayed like the slightest wind would knock her over.

Her vision swam and darkened as she took a few more shaky steps forward and watched as her legs gave out and her body involuntarily dropped but before she could crash to the ground, she blacked out.


Ziva didn't know how much time had passed but when her eyes slowly flickered open she recognized that she was in the medical tent lying on the hard tarp-covered ground.

She groaned from the pounding headache as she pressed her palm to her temple, trying to push herself off the ground to sit up.

"Ziver, don't sit up." A rough but gentle voice- Gibbs' voice said beside her as strong arms gently guided her back down.

"Did I really collapse?" Her grainy voice sounded weak as she rasped, laying back down and Gibbs noticed this as well.

"Yeah." He opened a bottle of water and passed it to Ziva, helping her take a drink. "Here, take a sip. The medics say that you collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration." 

"Oh..." She sat upright for a moment to take a sip then laid back down with the help of the father figure.

"You need to take it easy, Ziver." He brushed the sweaty locks of hair out of her face in a loving gesture. "You should've told me you weren't feeling well."

"It was not a big deal I thought I could handle it." She argued even though she knew it was futile. And like she expected, the silver-haired man gave her the Gibbs' stare.

Now her head was still pounding in her ears along with her heartbeat, it was quite annoying. "I have a headache." She told him as she winced in pain.

"I'll go get some Advil for you, the medics must have some on hand." And he got up to go look for the painkillers from the medics.

When he came back, he was holding pills in his hand. "Here," He helped Ziva sit up again and place the little red pills in her mouth. "Swallow." She took a drink from the water bottle again.

"When you're ready, I'll take you home and we can relax." He just wanted to take care of the closest thing he had to a daughter and make sure she was okay.

"But I can just rally up and get back to work." She grabbed her NCIS jacket the medics had taken off her when she was brought in and started to try to get up.

Gibbs prevented Ziva from standing up but let her sit up on her own. "No more work for you, I sent everyone home. Just take it easy, okay?" 

"Okay..." She replied. After a while, as they sat in silence as the world beyond the medical tent continued to run with great volume, she spoke with softness of love. "Thanks for taking care of me Gibbs."

Gibbs smiled at her lovingly, his gaze so tender, his eyes spoke the words of what he could not verbalize. "Anything for you Ziver." Anything for his little girl.



This has been sitting in my drafts for way too long so I just quickly and messily finished it

I just really wanted to write a very detailed scene of fainting


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