How Is He So Blind Not To See That He Is Hurting Me? (Part 2)

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Pairing: Z/E, Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD, Daddy Issues

Ziva David/ Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Eli David is a horrible conversationalist and Gibbs flies across the world to be there for her



What am I writing??? Writer's block 😵

This fic had potential but I tanked it


Ziva dressed nicely for their family dinner. It had been a long time since the last time she had dinner with her father and if it was like she remembered, it was going to be horrible, stuck in a room with her abusive father unable to leave. 

The Mossad Officer had been sitting at the restaurant for over an hour and her father still hadn't shown up, as always late. She was just about to be ready to leave when her father slipped into the seat opposite her.

"Sorry, my dear. My last meeting ran late." Eli David justified his actions as he sat down and folded the napkin across his lap. Great, just typical of him to put work before his daughter, nothing ever changes. "Have you ordered?"

"No, I was waiting for you." Ziva kept her tone and language as professional as possible, she really didn't use any more emotional energy for him today, the balance was empty, there was nothing to give.

"Good. Let us make this quick so we can discuss more important matters shall we?" Her father said as he waved the waiter over to order.

"As you like, father." The obedient girl replied without objection. She always bent backward for him, whatever he wanted, he got.

Once the waiter left with their orders, Eli started, he jumped straight to the point. "You do not talk to me anymore Ziva. What happened? You used to tell me everything that is going on in your life." 

"I just do not have anything to say to you. So I do not say anything to you." Ziva replied simply, she was already starting to get irritated by the conversation which they barely started, she wanted to blot so badly but the night was just starting and she had no choice but to stay. 

"What is wrong Ziva?" Eli's brow furrowed, his phony concern plastered on his face so out of place. "You changed." He was stuck on the past child he always thought of, the obedient one who followed orders and clung to his every word to please him. 

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing is wrong." She almost yelled. He's pretending to care now? After all this time? Why didn't he care before when she was a child and she needed him then? He was about 20 years too late. How does she tell him that it's his fault that she's broken? How is he so blind? How does he not see that he is hurting her? I'm in pain and you put me here! He can't do anything to find this relationship.

"I an just trying to figure out how I can be a good parent. I want you to be happy, that is all I want." Eli explained himself. Happy? He berated her all this time, traumatized her. And he wants her to be happy? Wow, that is the exact definition of oxymoron. Then the food came, interrupting their conversation.

They were enjoying their meal in the silence of the night in the secluded back of the restaurant. Neither of them knew what to say, there was nothing to say after so long of not talking to each other. 

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