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Pairing: T/R (Platonic)

Reader (Young Transmasc) (He/They) POV (Second Person Omniscient)



Tony being annoying and finding out the reader is transmasc


Another day, chasing down another lead. But this time you were with Tony, for some unfortunate reason Gibbs had paired you and him together, you were usually partnered with Ziva.

"So, last night I went out with a girl to this new bar and..." Tony rambled on the whole drive towards an address of a Private who went UA.

His words blurred in your mind, you were definitely not paying attention to another of his love stories.

"Should I bring her to the movies or the carnival? What do you think?"

"I think we should finish up the interview quickly so we can go back to the office," you got out of the car and walked quickly ahead.

You two knocked on the door but no one answered, the door was unlocked so you tried to open the door.

The door was jammed from the inside, you peeked through the sliver and saw piles and piles of materials stacked up to the ceiling.

"That is disgusting..." Tony commented. "Guess the Private was a hoarder..."

The floorboards that were peeking through the furniture and piles of junk looked molded and unstable.

"Should we go in?" You asked the senior field agent.

"We have a job to do," Tony sighed.

"Ahhhhh" Tony yelled as he ran shoulder-first into the door, "Owww," you shook your head at his stupid attempt to break down the door.

"Well, at least you moved the door enough for us to slip through..." You said.

The two of you shimmied your bodies through the doorway and into the house.

Carefully, you stepped around the squeaky floorboard and ventured up the stairs.

As you got to the bedroom, you and Tony saw the gruesome scene of a decomposing corpse.

"Well, I guess this answers the question of why the Private went UA" Tony concluded.

"I'll call Gibbs."

You took crime scene photos and Tony collected as much of the evidence (loose miscellaneous objects) as he could while you waited for the team to get there.

The house squeaked under every slight movement.

"I don't think the house is stable enough to support more of our weight, I think we have to carry the body ourselves." You said.

"Good idea, we should do it before it collapses." Tony agreed.

As you carefully carried the body down the stairs, you heard the MCRT truck and ME van pull up.

"Hey boss, we wrapped up the investigation here-" Tony walked in the front out of the house.

Gibbs interrupted, "Why did you move the body-"

Before he could finish his sentence the piles of overflowing junk crashed down behind you.

You had barely escaped being crushed by the junk as you leaped to the side.

As the dust settled, the team rushed forward to see if the two of you were hurt.

"Oww..." You grabbed the arm that hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" Ziva asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay. Glad that I wasn't in there for one more second." You sighed as you reached out to hug Ziva. (Cos I feel like they would)

"Is the body okay?" Tony asked.

"I think it is," Ducky said examining it.

"Let's get back so you can clean up, Ziva and McGee will take over here," Gibbs said.


Back at the office, you and Tony were ordered to take a shower and scrub off the grim that you had accumulated at the house.

"You coming?" Tony asked when you sat at your desk as soon as you got back.

"Nah, I'll go after you finish showering." You replied.

"Dude, there is more than one shower," Tony laughed.

"Yeah, but I don't feel comfortable,"

"Why?" He questioned.

"I don't want to tell you so I don't have to tell you."

Tony was relentless, he moved in front of your desk, "You know you can trust me right? I can totally keep a secret."

"Yeah for like 5 seconds." You rolled your eyes.

"Fair but still you can tell me."

You got annoyed, "Fine! I'm transmasc, I have a scar across my chest and I didn't want you to see it. You happy?"

"Woah... Wasn't expecting it. But now that I think about it, I've never seen you use the shower or even with your shirt off."

"Yeah, thanks for forcing me to come out..." You got angry and snatched your spare clean clothes and tried to turn to leave.

"Hey." Tony grabbed your wrist to stop you, "I'm sorry, I promise I won't out you without your permission." He stared into your eyes solemnly. 

For once you trusted him for what he said.



I'm ending this story with no good ending cos it's been in drafts for way too long

The one and only Tony fic I will probably ever write

Ummm... I have so many unfinished drafts and I don't have better, well-written fics to post


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