Sick and Stubborn

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Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva gets sick and Gibbs is worried about her stubbornness


Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)


First, it started with a tiny muffled cough.

Then, the redundant sniffling began. 

The bullpen was weirdly quiet, Tony and McGee were on overseas assignment for the week.

Gibbs always noticed the little things, but this time it didn't help him.

Ziva's been coughing and sniffling for the past hour and it has been becoming increasingly apparent that the trained spy was sick.

She has been staring at the same piece of paper for the past ten minutes and was obviously not focused on her work, 

Gibbs walked up to her desk, and she didn't even realize he was there until he spoke.

"Ziva," She looked up slowly, slightly dazed, "are you okay?"

Obviously, she's not okay. What are you thinking Gibbs?

"Yeah, I'm fine," The brunette sniffed and pretended to be busy with work.

Her cheeks are slightly red like she was overheating even tho the air conditioning was blasting. 

"Ziva, you look warm. Are you sure you're okay?" Gibbs started to get concerned.

"Yeah," She lied again, "Now would you excuse me, I need to use the washroom,"

The agent pushed past Gibbs and walked quickly towards the washroom.


Ziva David POV (Third Person Omniscient)


Ziva had to blow her nose urgently but she couldn't do it in the bullpen, Gibbs will know something was wrong so she rushed to the washroom.

She had been pretty good at hiding her sickness for the past two days and she wasn't about to stop now. Succumbing to sickness was a sign of weakness, she has been told that over and over again since she was young.

The first day, she woke up with a sore throat so painful that it was like a knife stabbing at her vocal cords. But Ziva didn't think anything about it, so she just ate spoonfuls of honey and pretended nothing happened.

The second day, her nose started leaking like a facet and the sore throat turned into coughing. She tried to sniffle and cough as quietly as possible but her head started pounding and she felt her body temperature warming up.

Today, she felt miserable, but she pushed through and got herself to work. Her throat was getting even more scratchier. Thank goodness that it was a quiet day, she wouldn't have lasted three seconds if they were assigned to an important case. 


Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)

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