To Prove To You I Am Worth Something

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Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD

Ziva David/ Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva trying to prove to Gibbs that she is worthy of his love and does something stupid


It started like another normal, simple day except the clouds that covered the sky but it didn't look like it had any intention of raining any time soon. They were in the middle of a case, Tony was acting like a juvenile delinquent again, McGee was clicking and clacking away at his computer searching for information on the databases. Gibbs, her father figure, was sipping his black coffee as he read the paperwork. Ziva herself was making phone calls to gather information. It was a pretty good day.

Typical right? No, and Ziva would know very soon that the day was going to take a turn and everything was going to change. But in the meantime let's bath in the simplicity of this scene and enjoy the mood... Nope, just kidding.

The Ex-Mossad Officer's phone rang again, must be one of the people she called returning her phone call. She picked it up habitually without looking at the name on the screen, "David." She answered thoughtlessly in a cheerful mood.

"Shalom, Ziva." It was her father, Eli David, which means it couldn't be good news. Immediately, there was a sense of trepidation forming in the pit of her stomach and her mouth went bone-dry. She dreaded talking to her father, every time they talked, his harsh criticism left her with a feeling of worthlessness.

"Shalom Abba." She replied, her tone now flattened to a dull monotone, her enthusiasm depleted. Gibbs noticed the shift and looked up from his paperwork, taking his glasses off, concerned about his little girl.

"How are you, my Ziva?" Her father asked. Like he was concerned about her... She knew he wanted something from her, it was always when he needed something that he contacted her, she just wanted to get the conversation over with and get started with his hidden agenda.

The trained spy could feel the trepidation building in her chest like a dull pressure restricting her breathing. "Let's skip the pleasantries, want do you want?" Ziva said letting out a sigh, ready to take the blows that were coming at her.

"Why do you always think I want something?" The Deputy Director of Mossad made a sound od disapproval but then started admitting his reason for calling her, "Your newest evaluation came in and I am very disappointed in your performance-"

"How did you get it? It is under NCIS confidential information." She interrupted, surprised at how broad his reach was to controlling people from afar to bend to his will. 

"I have my sources, I want to know how my only daughter is doing. Now back to your evaluation, seems like your skills need some improvement in all aspects." Eli informed her. "You were better than this when you were still at Mossad, I am very disappointed in you, maybe I should detail you back to Mossad. You are no value to us if you do not do better."

Suddenly, her world flipped upside down and her mood shifted from contentment to doom and misery just like the weather outside seemed as the bright and sunny sky turned to rain and storm clouds. With her defensive emotional wall intact "Yes, Abba." was all she could choke out.

Eli noticed no change in her demeanor and ended the call. "That is all officer." The lien went dead, not even a goodbye. Ziva slumped back into her chair and let out a relieved sigh, narrowly averting the danger that was her father.

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