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Pairing: Z/R

Reader POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Woah... Ziva's kinda hot...

Ziva and Reader together


There was definitely tension between the two of you.

It has been there since day one when you first joined the team.

At first, you and Ziva didn't quite get along with each other.

You always thought that Ziva was intimidating with the whole trained assassin thing and glares that showed you that you should learn your place in the team.

Even Tony and McGee had to learn the hard way to not mess with her.

The whole team was pretty excepting of your arrival of the team.

You and Ziva had grown closer since Gibbs put you two together as partners.

Since then you have grown to like each other more and you were really good friends. Ziva had seen you in the field and had her back multiple times.


Now in the office, there were only you and Ziva, working on locating the money trail of the latest suspect in the case.

"I still got nothing!" you exclaimed as you sat on the floor next to Ziva's desk like you usually did when you worked together. Your desk was across from Ziva's, thanks to the time she strong-armed Tony over it and Gibbs didn't mind the moving of the desks.

Ziva leaned back in her chair and turn to face you, "I looked over every bank account twice and found nothing as well..."

There was definitely sexual tension.

You look up at the brunette in her khakis, muted olive green shirt and combat boots, admiring her.

Ziva saw your glance, "Do you like my shirt or something?" she asked as she looked back at you to marvel over you.

"Or something," you muttered under your breath in admiration.

She heard your muttered words and giggled.

Then the fax machine whirried and you stood up to get the paper.

The two of you were now stealing glances from each other as you walked towards the fax machine across the room swaying your hips as you did.

"What is it?" the brunette asked as you almost stomped back.

"It is the bank thingy I told them to send two hours ago by email!" you said angrily.

Ziva's hands were now on your shoulders attempting to soothe you, "I like it when you're frustrated, it's cute," she teased, testing the waters.

"Is that right?" you teased back, putting your hands on her waist.

"Yes." the brunette answered.

You craned your head to look up into her hazel eyes, Ziva was taller than you by a head.

"This is a little public, yes?" She asked looking around in the open bullpen.

"Yeah," you replied.

Secretly, the two of you snuck off to a storage room that no one ever used.

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