¿Toma Té?

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Pairing: Z/R/T (Platonic)

Reader POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Tony misunderstood Spanish



Reader is not Hispanic just because I said so...


It was bright and sunny in the afternoon at the Navy Yard and you had just come back from your well-deserved snack break after closing an important case.

"Where's Ziva, Tony?" You asked Tony, who was not particularly doing anything as you walked into the bullpen.

"Hey, Y/N. What you got here? Is it for me?" Tony bounced over, eyeing the two steaming cups that you were holding.

"It's tea and nope, it's for Ziva." You answered the energetic young man.

"Where's mine?" Tony asked as he tried to steal the paper cup from you.

"Don't have enough hands to buy you one." You said bluntly. "I asked where is Ziva," you said annoyed, trying to hide the delicious beverage from his grabby hands.

"Ziva? Hmmm... I don't know-" Tony teased you but was interrupted when the brunette came strolling back into the bullpen.

"I'm here!" Ziva announced her entrance, seeing you undoubtedly putting up the man's juvenile antics again.

"Hey, Ziva. ¿Toma té?" You asked, handing a cup to her as you saw Tony give you a disappointed look at how you are nicer to Ziva than him.

"Sí, gracias." Ziva replied as she accepted it from your hand and took a generous sip from it.

You and Ziva defaulted to Spanish when the two of you talked to each other, it was just habitual.

"Tomate? I know what that means! It means tomato." Tony exclaimed excitedly. "But why did you say tomato?"

The both of you looked at each other and burst into laughter as he scowled in confusion at the reaction.

"What?! What did I say that was so funny?!" Tony was bewildered at what he might have done wrong this time.

"You... you're funny..." Ziva said between gasps of laughter. "That's a... totally different... context..."

"What? Why? How? I heard you say tomate." Tony said completely butchering the Spanish word.

"Y/N asked if I wanted to drink tea," Ziva tried to explain but guessing it was futile as Tony wouldn't comprehend no matter many times they tried to explain.

"Huh? I don't understand." He threw his hands up in frustration and walked back to his desk in exasperation.

You shook your head and walked away with Ziva as you conversed with each other, ignoring Tony as he looked defeated.



¿Toma té? = Drink tea?

Sí, gracias. = Yes, thanks.

Tomate = Tomato



Fun little fic inspired by the drawing above


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