Can We Pretend Last Night Did Not Happen?

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Setting: Post Somalia

Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Alcohol, Trauma, PTSD, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Ideation

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva got really drunk and confesses suicidal thoughts.


"Another one." Ziva quickly downed the strongest alcohol she could get her hands on as soon as she got to the bar. "Another one." Putting the shot glass down.

After being rescued from Somalia, Ziva just got back on the job. She threw herself into the job so that her brain would be too preoccupied for the dark and scary thoughts to surface.

But work was over for the day and now she was going to preoccupy her brain with alcohol. The thoughts come and go, but she cannot tell anyone about her dark, dark thoughts. She desperately wanted to control the thoughts and she did not want to feel this way.

Today the team had a tough case. After work, they all decided to go to the bar and hang out together since none of them wanted to go home yet, Abby, Ducky, and Palmer included, even Gibbs went.

Gibbs thought why not? He could decompose from the day and also keep an eye on his kids in the meantime. Two birds, one stone.

It was a pretty routine thing for them to do, after all, they were more than just colleagues, they were a family.

"Woah, that's like your what? 10th, 20th shot? How many more are you gonna get?" Tony asked surprised to see her like this.

"Why would you care?" She downed another shot glaring at him.

Tony looked at Gibbs who was sitting on the other side of her for help.

Gibbs just shrugged still slowly sipping on his first beer. Still, usually, she was a light drinker and the liquors she drank had a low alcohol percentage. He wondered quietly if he should be concerned and if he should interject. But as long as his agent was coherent enough, he trusted that Ziva could handle herself and her liquor.

Ziva decided was going to get dead drunk and she did not care who was going to see her. She just wanted to forget everything and let go. She was already having a hard time adjusting back to work (not that anyone knew because she hid it so well from the others), and today's case just added to the heavy emotional baggage.

"Uno más." The brunette waved to the bartender again, starting to mix up all her languages.

"Another one?" Tony asked again.

Before the brunette could bite his ear off, McGee came over from playing darts with Abby, Ducky, and Palmer and was failing miserably. "Hey, I'm losing, give me another bill to bet on."

Tony rolled his eyes, "You better repay me McGoo." handing him a single dollar bill.

"Setting a record Ziva?" McGee asked seeing the brunette slamming another finished shot glass down onto the counter.

"No! Would you guys just leave me alone and let a woman drink in peace?" She said a little more aggressive than she intended to.

"We were just curious," Tony said.

"Then stop being curious!" She was picking a fight for no reason, which was not like her at all.

"You're taking a lot of shots. I was just concerned." He argued back.

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