Attack To Kill

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Setting: Post Somalia

Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Trauma, PTSD

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva has PTSD after Somalia and attack Gibbs for no reason - fight scene


Deafening silence shrouded the gloomy basement of Gibbs' house and there in the corner sat a still Ex-Mossad Officer in the pitch-black of the midnight. Her body was rigidly straight as she sat on a wooden bench in the most hidden corner of the basement. 

She had been triggered today by an innocent young man who had no ties to the cruel man who had tortured her for three whole months but the widower looked so much like Saleem, it was so uncanny. 

After she met the widower, her mind was deluged with the most disturbing and graphic images of an uncontainable urge to slowly kill Saleem's look-alike and make him suffer for what the monster did to her and all the trauma he inflicted on her.

All day, she tried so hard to control her urge to not harm the innocent widower of a serious crime and the trained assassin had no idea how she made it out of the bullpen without anyone's life ending from the result of her bare hands.

Tonight, she had no idea what she was doing in Gibbs' basement maybe it was because subconsciously she felt the safest there. She had come here to think, trying to clear her head from the hectic day but her mind was blank, thoughtless except for the bloody images in her head. She felt different ever since she was back, like nothing was right, she had changed. Something was wrong with her, something was definitely wrong but she didn't know what was wrong.

Her mind shut down as her brain and rational thoughts lost control, the world in front of her eyes blurred into nothing and everything was hazy as if she was looking through a thick fog. She was tightly wound up so badly that her muscles contracted almost painfully all over her body.

She zoned out and the only thing she could hear was her own heart beating thunderously loud in her ears as blood rushed through her veins boiling like lava, burning her from the inside out. The outside noises drown out into the background of her mind to a distant land. It was textbook dissociation.

Then suddenly the door opened and warm light from upstairs flooded in as heavy footsteps descended the stairs. But Ziva didn't notice any of the changes from her spot as she continuously sat stiffly staring straight ahead into nothing in particular.

"Ziver?" The person near the stairs squinted to see a still figure in the darkness. And once he confirmed who he thought it was, he started again. "I was worried Ziver. I came looking for ya at work but you left before we could talk." And the figure in the corner jerked her head up.

But there was no answer so he came closer to the other person on the wooden bench. Then he saw wild, dark eyes staring straight back at him with a glassy-eyed expression clearly written across her face. Whatever was going on through her mind, he was sure that she couldn't hear him.

For a moment, she was frozen like a deer caught in headlights, paralyzed. Then, she registered that someone was there and they were going to harm her. Her mind instantly roared, alarms blaring earsplittingly and her fight response kicked in hard. 

Slowly, she stood up slightly shaking, her movements jagged. She sauntered forward, eyes hollow and haunted, each step unsteady, a zombie. And suddenly, it came so fast, her hand raised, there was no time to react. 

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