Te Quiero, Te Encanto, Te Amo

182 0 5


Pairing: Z/R

Reader POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Reader speaks Spanish

I am not fluent in Spanish

Reader is not Hispanic just because I said so...

 *Upgraded 👍🏻



After a long day, Ziva came home to Reader and confessed her love


It has only been six months, you and Ziva haven't been dating long.


It was cold and windy outside and you were lying on the couch under comfy blankets waiting for Ziva to come back from work, not really paying attention to the show that was running on the TV. The agent had called earlier telling you that she had to work late again so you stayed awake waiting for her until midnight to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face before you fell asleep.

Finally, it was so late in the night that you heard the key inserted into the lock of your door and turned. You looked up from your comfy spot on the couch to see a weary and tired Ziva. Her shoulder slumped and exhaustion and there were dark bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

Ziva put down her belongings on the island and dragged her feet across the matte wooden floor to walk over to the couch. You sat up to make space for her as she plopped down onto the cushion beside you. Loudly, the brunette sighed and turned towards you as she lay against the couch.

Staring at you for the longest time ever, you were starting to get confused by her actions. Usually, she was quite chatty and cheerful to see you. "What's wrong Ziva?" You asked concerned as you searched her face for any hint of what she might be feeling.

She didn't answer your question but slowly moved closer to cup your face with her hands. "Te quiero, te encanto, te amo." Ziva whispered lovingly but her voice also brought a hint of melancholy then kissed you passionately on your lips with much force like she would lose you if she let go.

Finally, the two of you broke the kiss and you saw the tears starting to well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over the edge. Your heart ached at the sight, you didn't like to see her upset or cry. 

She has had a rough day, and the case got to her even though Rule Number 10 was 'Never get personally involved in a case.' The agent had realized you meant so much to her and she didn't want to lose you by any means necessary.

You were surprised, you weren't expecting that when you asked what was wrong. This was the first time Ziva was giving you a love confession! You were speechless for a moment, your brain not comprehending the words she had just spoken.

When you didn't reply to her, she pulled back and released your face from her hands as she started to stutter in uncharacteristic panic with the fear of rejection. "I- I mean... I- I" She usually didn't panic like this but the idea of you not returning the same level of love for her just messed with her mind. She couldn't bear to lose you.

You interrupted her rambling, effectively shutting her up by kissing her back on the lips with equal force as before. "Ziva, te amo mucho tambien.  Pero, would you tell me what made you admit this sudden if not impulsive love confession?"

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