Flirting? How do I do that?

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Pairing: Z/R

Reader (Third Person Omniscient)



Reader meets Ziva at a bar but doesn't know how to flirt.


It was Friday night and you were feeling adventurous and had decided to try out a new bar. 

Going into a bar that had an eye-catching sign outside the door, you found that the bar isn't quite packed with people which was a great place to relax for the night. "A beer please," you told the bartender as you sat on a stool at the island.

Immediately, you notice a tall, beautiful woman with long curly brown hair in a cool black outfit next to you drinking a martini.

You couldn't take your eyes off of her. Secretly, you studied her features carefully. Her heart-shaped hairline, her big hazel eyes, her sweet smile, her slim perfect body...

You didn't even notice you were staring at her until the bartender passed a glass across the island in front of you, breaking your trance from staring at the woman.

"Thanks." You said to the bartender then turned to the drink in your hand and sipped at it, forcing yourself not to look at her again.

"Ziva." You heard a sweet beautiful voice with an accent say beside you. You turned to see the woman holding out her hand to greet you.

You took her hand to return the gesture as you forced a grin trying to suppress your excitement, "Hi, Y/N."

"I noticed you staring." She smiled at you sweetly, her smile was sugary like smooth honey.

"Sorry." You apologized for your subconscious staring at the jaw-dropping brunette. You thought your heart eyes were literally showing.

"Do not be." She pointed at the almost-finished glass in your hand. "Can I buy you another drink?"

You couldn't believe it, was she flirting with you? You couldn't tell. Even though you had identified as sapphic for a long time, you still had a crappy gaydar. You couldn't tell who was flirting with you and who was only being friendly.

"Uhh... Sure..." You stuttered, her hand grazed yours coming up to wave for the bartender.

"Heidi, another one on me please," Ziva ordered as the bartender nodded.

"So... What do you do?" You asked anxiously trying to start a conversation wanting to hold her attention and not seem boring. You know it seemed like a bland conversation but your tiny scrambling brain cannot think of anything else to say.

"I'm an NCIS Special Agent." She answered with her sweet smile again- Oh, her smile's gonna be the death of me.

"Cool... What does that mean?" Still feeling extremely awkward, you have never had enough courage to ask someone out let alone pick a stranger up at a bar.

"Naval Criminal Investigative Service." She explained, her voice was becoming sweeter and huskier.

"Huh... Never heard of it." You returned her smile, very self-conscious of the crooked smile you felt like you were giving off.

She laughed, her laugh was perfect. "Very few have." So pretty... You wanted her- No, you needed her. Help, gay panic!

"Anything like a cop?" You asked. Were you pining? Yeah, you were. No more thinking for you. Brain no working anymore.

"Yes, exactly like a cop, a Navy cop." She confirmed as you felt her moving closer, invading your personal space. "You're smart."

You couldn't even hold a normal conversation long enough. Flirting? How do you do that? You had no clue. You were super anxious, your heart fluttering in excitement, so you stayed quiet so you didn't embarrass yourself anymore.

"What about you? What do you do?" It was Ziva's turn to ask, leaning in closer to you as her voice dropped to barely a whisper.

"I'm an aircraft flight engineer." You barely got the words out, your head was spinning like crazy and your thoughts were hazy.

"Whoa, cool." She took a cooling sip from her beer. "You must be studious and hardworking." You stared at her perfect lips slowly sipping the clear burning liquid from her martini glass and then biting down on the olive on the side.

"Nah, I'm not that good." You answered, dropping your head humbly as you fidgeted your hands in your lap.

The brunette could sense your nervous energy radiating off of you, so she decided to make you stop thinking.

Suddenly, she pounced on you, pinning you to the island of the bar with both hands on either side of you trapping you with nowhere to go.

She was so close that you could smell the alcohol lingering in her breath as she breathed on your face. Then, slowly she closed the gap between you, kissing deeply on your lips as hunger grew.

She broke apart to gauge your reaction to her curt kiss. You were smiling a wide, lovesick grin and you almost melted under her. "This okay?"

"Yeah..." You could barely talk through the haze in your head, your brain was going haywire. She did all the work, guiding you into almost oblivion of where you were at the moment.

Again, she kissed you and you felt her soft perfect lips on yours, her tongue begging for entrance.

She was incredibly gentle with you, her hands moving to your hips, the slow roll of her hips on yours... Oh my god! This was amazing...

"Should we bring this back to my place?" Ziva said in a husky voice mixed with deep lust and a clear intent of fucking you till you didn't know who you were.

"Y-yes..." You breathed breathlessly through the feeling of lips on your jawline, neck, collarbones... 

And so you impatiently followed the incredibly hot woman out of the crowded bar and into the car as she talked dirtily the whole ride back to her apartment where she fucked you senseless.



Again, this has been sitting in my drafts for way too so I quickly and messily finished it.

Do I know how to write lovey-dovey scenes? Absolutely not.


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