I Am Never Good Enough For You, Am I? (Part 1)

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Pairing: Z/E, Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD, Daddy Issues

Ziva David POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Eli David will never be satisfied with all the effort that Ziva put in to make him proud


Time for the annual assessment for Mossad, it's like an evil report card on every little thing an officer did to contribute to the tight-knit family. Ziva's plane just landed in Tel Aviv with a car sent from headquarters by Eli David to pick her up.

Ziva dreaded these meetings, every year it was the same, she knew the outcome- it would either make her want to kill someone for no justification or cry like a baby and neither was looked upon as a Mossad officer.

Quickly, Ziva arrived at headquarters after erratically driving herself to let off steam from the oncoming onslaughter of the emotional turmoil of the assessment, soon she was called into the Deputy Director of Mossad's office. "Hello, father." She stepped in as trepidation rose in her chest.

"Ah, Ziva." Eli waved her in. "Come, I have missed you. Give your father a kiss." His sickly grin beamed at her after he put down his pen and looked up from his paperwork. So the obedient daughter acquiesced and crossed the room to gently peck him on the cheek. "Did you have a nice flight?"

"Yes." She nodded and moved to sit on the opposite chair her father gestured to her. She secretly and discreetly let out a shaky breath and braced herself for the turbulence that was about to come. She just wanted to get in and get out as quickly as possible, she really didn't want to stay more than she needed to.

"So, Ziva. How long will you be staying this time?" Eli asked, trying to start a seemingly harmless conversation. But Ziva knew was just a cruel trick for him to insert himself into her life and no doubt to set her up on some vicious joke.

"5 days." She answered simply, she was getting tired of his faked empathy. This was not her first rodeo of dealing with her father's manipulation. She was short-tempered and annoyed even though the meeting hadn't officially started.

"Ah, your stays are getting shorter and shorter." He noted with malice laced in his voice as he stared straight at her with an egotistical gleam in his eyes.

The officer just wanted to cut the small talk and cut to the chase as soon as possible. "Can we please get on with the assessment?" She sighed heavily and tension was starting to build and show in her body language.

"Of course." The Deputy Director of Mossad's face turned serious. "Let us see, yes?" He took out a beige office folder from under his desk and opened it to read off of it. "Abilities: Lock picking: Proficient, Hand to Hand Combat: Proficient, Firearms: Proficient, Languages: Proficient"

Proficient?  She did her best in her evaluations, she tried, she actually tried! And all she got from him was proficient. She knew there was a scale from Nonproficient to Exellent and all she got was proficient?!?!  She tried hard to push away her anger into the deep pits of her stomach and stared back at him blankly so she could suffer through the rest of the assessment.

"Not bad so far." He continued. "But you can do much better in each aspect of your abilities if you give it your all. You are holding back, you can be much more than you are, I know that." He leaned forward to touch her face and stroked her skin as he grinned greedily, trying to fit her in a mold into his perfect soldier in his unrealistic expectation.

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