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Pairing: Z/R (Romantic?), G/R (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD

(Second Person Omniscient)



I am not fluent in Spanish

Reader is not Hispanic just because I said so...

Honestly, I hate this fic and I'm too lazy to rewrite but I have nothing to post so...



Reader has a nightmare at the office


It was way too early in the morning, the sun hadn't even come out yet and Gibbs called everyone in for a major new case.

You were working on your reports late last night and stayed at the office but accidentally fell asleep on the office floor.

At 0500, of course, Gibbs was the first one to show up at the office with his coffee in his hand. Sitting down at his desk, he checked his files and waited for his team members to show up at this ungodly hour.

The office was empty and quiet, most people had gone home or were fast asleep in their beds. Suddenly, he heard whimpering. Whimpering? Where did that come from?

He looked around the office, searching under desks to find the source of the sound. Finally, he got to yours. Looking behind the chair, he found you lying on the floor asleep. You had accidentally fallen asleep on the floor near your desk.

He thought nothing about it and just thought that you looked cute when you slept. He smiled. Seeing that it was only you, he let you sleep for a little longer since the others hadn't arrived yet.

Checking his watch again, he started to walk back to his desk, when he heard the now louder whimpering again.

He turned around to see you shaking on the floor and clutching your jacket used as a pillow under your head like it was your lifeline.

You were quietly muttering nonsense as you tossed and turned in your sleep. If you kept going at it, he was worried that you would burn a hole into the carpet.

Gibbs quickly moved to kneel in front of you to try to wake you up before you hurt yourself before work even started. "Y/N?" Gibbs shook your shoulder gently.

You turned away in your sleep, shifting away from him as you whined louder.

Gibbs got concerned by your reaction. "Hey. Can you hear me? Y/N?" He shook your shoulder harder.

This time you thrashed and punched the air. Yelling and screaming something in a language that Gibbs wasn't fluent in. He was surprised to know that you spoke another language, you never mentioned that you knew another language and your resume didn't indicate that either.

Tears were spilling from the corner of your eyes. "¡Por favor! ¡No grites, por favor! ¡Voy a hacer todo lo que digas! ¡Lo siento!"

At that moment, Ziva arrived at the office and heard the cries. She rushed to where the sound came from to see Gibbs trying to grab your thrashing arms as he tried to calm you who was still half asleep.

"Hey, Ziver," Gibbs said as he battled with your arms. "Do you understand what they're saying?"

"Yeah. I do." The brunette dropped everything at once to help Gibbs. Ziva had never seen you in distress, ever. And she definitely didn't know that you spoke Spanish.

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