Shaking, Quaking, Terrified (Part 1)

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Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Verbal/ Emotional/ Psychological Abuse, Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD, Daddy Issues

Ziva David/ Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva's father suddenly appears and yells at her... (trauma) Gibbs steps in and protects her


Although it was the middle of the day, Ziva was physically and emotionally drained. Gibbs had announced an early release from the tiresome week and Tony and McGee bolted out of the building like lightning.

The remaining agent was eagerly packing up her belongings after she did a final check of her finished reports and signed documents when suddenly, she heard and recognized a familiar set of footsteps that puzzled her for their existence.

"Ziva!" A rough furious voice was heard that made the trained assassin jump at the sound of the unexpected noise, dropping her pen on her desk.

She turned to see an angry face appear walking towards her desk, dark eyes glaring at her - it was her father. She had been avoiding- ignoring his calls and had cut him off from her life when she had left Isreal and realized that her father was not a good person, he was not a good father period.

"Aba." She said subconsciously when she realized who it was. No... She did not want to talk to him, in fact, they hadn't talked since... forever. The only time they had communicated was when he emailed her to read her into Mossad operations.

If you asked Ziva what did Eli David do that was so bad that she would cut him out of her life. She wouldn't remember, that part of her memories were blocked out by her brain. But that doesn't mean that she doesn't remember the terrifying feeling of swaying on a tightrope and wondering when it would be her fault again as he yelled at her for being insufficient.

At that moment, the senior lead agent walked in with yet another cup of coffee in his hand noticing that Eli David was in the office. "Why have you not been taking my calls?" The deputy director of Mossad's angry voice rang out in the empty bullpen.

She barely even talked to him before except to take orders from him, and now he wanted to talk like everything was normal? She had an uneasy feeling in her stomach of impending doom.

"I have been busy." The trained assassin answered quietly under her breath. The dread of being yelled at was starting to build back up from her childhood slowly.

Gibbs quietly noted that his Ziva was standing in a protective stance like she was waiting for a blow that was undoubtedly coming soon and decided to stay and observe their interaction.

"That is no excuse," Eli argued, starting to yell. "this is the way you treat your father?!" She slowly backed away from him against the cabinet, arms wrapped around her own torso as she winced at his low dangerous voice.

"I am sorry aba." Her voice trying so hard not to break as she tried hard to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. She was getting scared like a little kid again. Thank God Tony wasn't here to see this scene to make things worse.

"Such ungrateful daughter." He spat with venom in his voice as he stared her down with fire in his eyes. He then continued to throw a whole slew of swear words at her face in Hebrew. I feel powerless. I am powerless. He has control. She realized would forever be under his control, controlled by the fear held against her.

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