Snuggle Wuggle

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Pairing: Z/R

(Third Person Omniscient)


Today was an especially hard day, everything hit you hard all at once like a brick and your mood crashed through the floor. Tonight, all you wanted was love and comfort.

You waited and waited until the light sky turned to dark and work was finally over so you could go home to your beautiful girlfriend.

Ziva was always so caring and kind toward you, she was the one person who could comfort you and make you feel better when you had a bad day.

Finally, you got to the last few steps to the apartment that the two of you shared. You turned your key in the lock with a click and walked through the door tired as ever.

Ziva was sitting on the couch not quite paying attention to what was playing on the TV screen as she idly stared in front of her.

Slowly, you walked over to her dazed and immediately snuggled into her. Smelling her scent made you melt into her comfort, making you feel safe.

"Woah, needy much?" She joked as she wrapped her arms around you. But all you did was stay quiet and snuggled even closer against her chest.

When you didn't say anything, she got concerned. You were usually always so chatty when you got home to her. This was so abnormal.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" She swiped your hair out of your face to see the forming tears that you had been trying so hard to force down.

"Oh no, what is wrong my love?" She whispered as she tenderly threaded her fingers through your hair to try to soothe you.

"Mmmm..." You whined, shifting into a more comfortable position. Ziva's never seen you this snuggly and clingy before, you were definitely not yourself tonight.

"Mmmmm!" You grumbled into her shirt, burying your face into her chest, this time louder and more aggressive than before. You were craving so hard for comfort right now, your brain wasn't functioning properly.

"What is wrong baby? What do you need?" The brunette was slightly confused as well as concerned by your strange behavior.

"Mmmm..." You whined again, sounding a little sadder this time. By now, you have fully moved on Ziva's lap, clutching onto the front of her shirt like it was your lifeline.

"Baby, I can not help you if I do not know what is wrong." She tried to coax you to talk to her as she softly kissed your lips with her own perfect ones.

You turned your head out on her shoulder, couldn't face her kind, gentle eyes laying pity onto you. The tears materialized into bigger droplets and were dribbling down onto Ziva's thin shirt that she had on.

"I can feel you crying, baby." She said softly as you sniffed through your jagged breathing and snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"Feeling nonverbal huh?" Her voice filled with compassion, finally realizing you were not going to talk to her. "It is okay, I will talk."

"Do you want to move to the bedroom or do you want to stay on the couch?" She asked. She wanted to take care of you, she wanted to give you everything you needed. 

"Bedroom." You answered simply with a quivering voice, it was so hard to control your need for comfort and your voice breaking, shattering.

With her strong arms, Ziva picked you up in a bridal style and carried you to the bedroom. Placing you gently on the bed, she climbed onto it next to you.

Instantly, you latched onto her again. "You just want to cuddle do you not?" Ziva gave you a warm smile. She didn't understand what made you this cuddly, but she didn't mind being with you at all. 

You nodded slowly. Once again, she threaded her finger through your hair as you hummed into the soothing repetitive movement.

Facing each other, you and Ziva stared at each other throughout the silence. "You ready to tell me what is wrong yet?" Ziva whispered finally.

"Mhm," You gave an affirmative hum. She waited patiently for you to start. "I just had a rough day today." You confessed.

"It is okay, I am here for you." Ziva pulled you into her impossibly closer, "I am sorry you had a rough day. "

"Hmmm, " you hummed to the sound of her soothing voice, "Sorry you had to deal with me today, I'm usually not this needy."

"I agree, you usually are not this needy," She laughed. "But I do not mind, I love you and this is just what girlfriends do for each other." The brunette smiled at you and you smiled back.

The two of you lay there until you quickly fell asleep in her arms, tired out from this day.



Don't ask me about the title idk...

Reader turned out to be kinda nonverbal


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