Who Is She?

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Pairing: Z/R

Anthony DiNozzo POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva snuck off in the middle of work, Tony is suspicious follows her and found her meeting with Reader who speaks Spanish.


It was a quiet morning, Gibbs was out for coffee and Ziva was on the phone again talking to god knows who, in god knows what language.

"Tony, I have something to do, cover for me please." She put the phone down and grabbed her belongings ready to leave.

"Sure." Tony's mouth was saying yes but his mind was saying that he should investigate what deep dark dirty little secret Ziva was keeping from him.

As the trained spy darted off, he debated if he should follow her to check out what she was hiding.

Lately, Ziva has been doing a lot of hush-hush conversations on the phone and running off every free time she gets.

So, he decided he was going to investigate!


Trying to be as discreet as possible, he followed three cars behind. That's discreet enough, right? But it's Ziva, you never know. She's the badass Mossad ninja. The first time he trailed her, she pointed out all the stops and turns he did.

As Ziva's car turned right into an alley and parked, he found a spot close by and decide to go on foot.

Turning the corner where Ziva and her car were, he was just in time to see another car pull up and a stunning and intimidating-looking girl who he did not recognize getting out of the driver's seat and quickly snapped a picture.

Oh- how pretty she was, the outfit she was wearing was just wow- Straight silky smooth hair, black shades perched on top of her head, dark smoky cat eye makeup, pearly white skin, sleek black combat boots, above-knee length little black dress... Her look screams stay away from her, she is dangerous, and it was totally a person Ziva would do business with. Wonder if she was single...

He intended to watch the two of them interact as they hugged but almost got lost in the girl's perfect body, beautiful outfit and shiny eyes to realize that they knew each other and were conversing.

He was getting skeptical when the girl smiled with a foxy grin on her face at Ziva once she saw the brunette. (She was still stunning tho-)

He crept up to behind a column against the brick wall as close as he dare to but still covert enough to not be noticed by either woman trying to listen in to the conversation.

-Qué gusto verte, te eché tanto de menos.- said the pretty girl he didn't know.

-Yo también, pero te vi este manana.- Ziva smiled back at her.

-No puedo verte demasiado.

He realized he didn't understand what language it was but it sounded like the same language that Ziva was speaking on the phone earlier in the office.

He was disappointed he couldn't eavesdrop on the conversation... But then suddenly he had an idea! He was an investigator after all, he took out a pen and notepad from his pocket and started to try to transcribe the conversation so he could go back to the office and translate it on his computer.

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