I Don't Think They Understand Us

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OC: Azul (They/Them) (Child, about 9)

Pairing: Z/OC/G (No Romantic Relationship)

Ziva David/ Leroy Jethro Gibbs/ Azul Snyder POV (Third Person Omniscient)



OC is not Hispanic

I am not fluent in Spanish

No Tiva, Not Tiva friendly at all



The team finds a kid who's been kidnapped since birth and only understands Spanish.



Following a tip they got, Gibbs kicked in the door to the unstable basement.

Gibbs found a dark and dusty room with no windows in horrible living conditions with only the basic necessities, a barely functional sink and a broken, torn-up mattress.

In the darkness, the silver-haired man squinted to see a frightened kid with shabby, dark hair curled up in the corner of the room with their knees up to their chest and their arms crossed around them, their head half buried with only their eyes showing.

Gibbs slowly moved forward to the kid, putting his gun away and with his empty hands facing out, showing them that he means no harm.

"Hey, kid. I'm Agent Gibbs with NCIS. Come with me." Gibbs crouching to their eye level, he put out a hand for the kid to take.

But they only cocked their head to the side and looked at him extremely confused and afraid.

This was not the usual man who came in to abuse them. Who is this man? What does he want with them?

The dirty four walls started to crumble and large cracks spread across the beams that held the basement up.

Gibbs knew that they had to get out of there and they needed to do it quickly.

"Come on, follow me, let's go." He tried again to lure the kid out of the mattress.

They still didn't move from their curled-up position and sat in their spot terrified.

The situation was now dire, cracking and rumbling sounds came from all sides.

Gibbs scooped the kid up into his arms to carry them out but they didn't like the sudden touch and tried to free themselves from his hold. It also didn't help that they didn't understand a single word Gibbs had just said.

With their long untrimmed nails, the kid accidentally scratched him while struggling in his grasp.

"Ow." He winced in pain but ignored it as he walked up the stairs to safety.

"Gibbs?" Ziva yelled for him.

"Coming out!" Gibbs yelled back with the kid still squirming in his arms.


Once they were in safety, Gibbs put the kid down to let them stand on their own.

"You guys okay, Gibbs?" Ziva came over to check.

"Yeah," Gibbs answered.

They both glanced at the kid who was now looking around with both horror and amazement like they'd never seen the outside of that basement. They didn't know who these new people were but they seemed nice enough not like the usual man who only used and abused them day after day.

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