You Are Safe With Me

123 1 10


Pairing: Z/R

Reader (They/Them) / Ziva David POV


Summary/ AN:

Yay a request! 

"Do you think you could do a story for a Ziva x Reader (She/Her or They/Them) where the reader is experiencing anxiety at like the office and like Ziva's super nice and comforting about it?"

Your wish is my command... Hope I live up to your standards :)


You gasped awake, sitting up in your bed. Gradually, you felt the hurt in your chest, a familiar feeling of dire panic. Slowly, your panting evened out as your eyes adjusted to the bleak darkness of your bedroom. 

Vivid scenes of your violent nightmare flashed through your mind and tears sprang to your eyes. You couldn't tell dreams from reality anymore, they seemed so real, so vivid and your world blended together into one endless loop.

In the darkness, you sobbed ever so quietly, an old habit from your childhood. As the tears died down, you were exhausted from the fear, sadness, anger and frustration and tried to go back to sleep, whispering soft comforting words to yourself.



In the dark, you opened your bloodshot eyes from restless sleep and endless nightmares. You sighed heavily laying on your bed mind racing at the speed of light, repeating again and again the scenes from your nightmare since an hour ago. 

You could still feel the overwhelming fear of your father's enraged wrath and the desperate need for your mother to protect you as she watched idly by not even trying to intervene consuming you from the inside out.


You stubbornly dragged yourself out the door to work, convincing yourself you were perfectly fine as the hurt weighed heavily in your chest. Your mind couldn't stop thinking about the abuse you've endured, it was a normal thought but the occurrence was more frequent than usual. You were on high alert, your heightened senses made the world bright and loud.


Everyone was working on their paperwork and everything was as usual, Gibbs just got back from getting another cup of coffee, Ziva, your girlfriend, greeted you with a warm smile and your favorite drink but all she got in return was a forced smile, a grimace, that was the first thing that alarmed her but she pushed it to the back of her mind and chopped it up to exhaustion from the past couple days. 

On the other hand, Tony was already bored and distracted, throwing the tenth paper ball at a very annoyed McGee. "Stop it!" The computer geek yelled at another one hitting his head as he tried to complete his software update but Gibbs flashed an irritated look telling the two agents to stop the harmless pestering.

You didn't like the bickering, it stressed you out, something bad was going to happen, it just was, you could sense it, it was like there was a thick cloud over the entire bullpen ready to rain down. You bit down on the pencil, gnawing on the tip of the pencil anxiously. There was a feeling of trepidation in your chest that wouldn't go away. 

But Tony still in a playful mood didn't get the message, crumpling up another piece of paper in his hands and ready, aim, fire! This time McGee had had enough, he raised his arm to protect his face from getting hit again. Unfortunately for him, the paper ball reflected off of McGee's arm, crossing the office space and hit Gibbs' coffee cup, spilling the steaming brown liquid on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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