You Are Supposed To Love Me, Not Hurt Me!

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Setting: The cell in Somalia

Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Past Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD, Daddy Issues

Ziva David POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva confront Eli David about her childhood trauma



Strictly a dream sequence

I don't think I have to explain what traumatizing things Eli David did to Ziva


She was back. 

Ziva was back in the dreadful place she never thought she could escape for three whole months. The warm air, the dry desert, the dark and musty hallways of the dungeon. It felt so real, nothing like a dream at all and she wondered if she was hallucinating.

But this time, Ziva was in charge of the situation, she was in power, she was on a mission that hadn't gone wrong- yet. The hallways were eerily empty, no other person was near in sight but it was not abandoned, the occupants had simply taken a break. 

She had an overwhelming and consuming feeling of rage and fury, the unexplainable sensation of frustration and hatred, the intense anger at someone who hurt you and just kill them.

She looked down, an automatic Mossad-issued machine gun in her hands as she cautiously moved forward legs crouched in a defensive stance like she didn't know what she expected to find beyond the only door that was at the end of the hallway.

She sensed the presence of her loyal Lieutenant, second in command, ready for action as she felt his encouraging and supportive presence behind her. Quickly glancing over her shoulder as they advanced and was unexpectedly surprised to find the man was none other than Gibbs.

This was different, she had not foreseen Gibbs would be the one with her in a seemingly Mossad operation. Her worlds were definitely blurring together as the details of life merged into one. 

Even though she knew it was an important mission, a great personal takedown of an unknown assailant but still a tremendous threat to Ziva herself, there was still little to no information on who the person was behind it all.

Silently signaling as they got to the heavily bolted door like the living being inside was the most dangerous malicious criminal ever under heavy arm and guard, Ziva signaled Gibbs and counted to three as they breached the door.


With their equal weight, Ziva and Gibbs successfully busted the door open as the heavy material dropped hard onto the dusty ground kicking up a thin storm of dust. Guns sustained in the air ready to shoot in a heartbeat as the dust died down revealing the identity of the occupant in the chair.

In front of them, sitting in the chair with his hands tied behind his back but not a scratch anywhere on him was the Deputy Director of Mossad, Ziva's father, Eli David. He was the great threat to her all this time?

To say she was shocked was an understatement, but the more she processed this information, the more it made sense, it was an epiphany. All her life, all her problems began with him, all her pain stemmed from him: her trust issues, her abandonment issues, her attachment issues, her commitment issues... How could she not see it more clearly before? 

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