Physically Hurt

481 4 0


Pairing: Z/R (They/them)

(Third Person Omniscient)


Another stakeout, another long night.

It was definitely not her first, and it was definitely not her last, but it was definitely long.

Ziva and you were an item, but nobody knew about you two. (Maybe Gibbs knew, he knows everything, but if he knew he didn't say anything about it)

The two of you had been partnered for the stake out in a small car for the past day maybe even longer.

You two were waiting across the street from a known drug dealer's layout. Gibbs and Tony were in another car close by.

It was late at night and you'd been waiting for way too long, the two of you were bored out of your mind.

Ziva was teasing you as you two ate the takeout together you bought from the restaurant nearby.

"How's your food?" You asked as you swallowed your own food.

"Fine," The brunette looked over to you lovingly, "How's yours?"

"Fine, it could have less salt in it-" Your sentence was interrupted by a kiss on the lips.

"Ziver!" You exclaimed chuckling once she released your lips. "You're gonna get us caught." you husked.

You were the only other person that can get away with calling her Ziver, the other being Gibbs.

"No one's looking at us, the others are gonna be focused on el jefe, Remo Arredondo Enríquez." Ziva kissed you again.

She looked into your eyes lovingly wondering how she could have gotten so lucky to have you as her girlfriend.

Teasingly, you gave Ziva another kiss when suddenly you heard Tony in your earwig, "Target spotted, at your ten o'clock guys."

Ziva and you got out of the car and started walking toward the gang members discreetly.

But apparently not discreetly enough since they started shooting at you two with their semi-automatic weapons and emptied their clips in your direction.

The two of you immediately drew your weapon running and ducked behind some construction materials as a means to put a barrier between you and them.

The two of you took a knee behind the barriers with your weapons aimed at the gang members.

Once Tony and Gibbs heard the gunshots, they got out of their car to give you and Ziva backup. Gibbs crept up behind a barrel and started firing back at the gang members from a different angle, catching them by surprise.

Once the gang members were shot, the two men went to check on the bodies.


As Ziva and you collected yourselves from being shot at, the brunette saw the blood seeping from your shirt sleeve.

"Y/N! You're bleeding!" Ziva exclaimed in shock.

It wasn't until she said something that you felt the pain shooting up from your arm.

"Oww!" You cried out loud as you grabbed your upper forearm with a painful expression.

Ziva immediately pressed on the wound to keep pressure as more blood split out onto the ground.

Deep red blood was rushing out and there was so much blood loss as you felt your consciousness slipping away.

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