Pull The Trigger!

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Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Passive Suicidal Ideation, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Ideation, Gun Violence, Blood

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Inspired by Chicago PD: Season 2, Episode 22 (Push The Pain Away)

Once again, no explanation for Suicidal Ideation (I'm lazy)


Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)


"McGee, DiNozzo, get the back door. Ziva and I will take the front." Gibbs ordered the agents with instructions as they pulled up at a nice house with white trims where the suspect lived.

They had just found out who the offender was to a seemingly random string of torture then murders throughout the DC area. The only mistake that the killer made was killing a seaman, using them as collateral damage to make the crime look like it had random targets. 

And of course, Gibbs put all the crimes together and soon after, they worked day and night trying to catch the killer not taking a single break in the few days ever since they've got on this case.

"Perry Monroe! NCIS, federal agents! Come out with your hands above your head or we kick the door in." Gibbs yelled the warning through the door and waited less than three seconds before slamming in. The speech was just procedural, they had no time to waste to catch this guy before he killed again.

Without waiting for the dust to settle, Gibbs and Ziva silently moved in from the front end and Tony and McGee came from the back end, sweeping the house for the suspect. "Clear!" One by one the agents shouted out.

Tony and McGee then moved upstairs and checked out the bedrooms while Gibbs and Ziva investigated the living space downstairs. "Half-finished breakfast, eggs and bacon. The pan is still in the sink." The silver-haired man noted while the trained spy only stayed quiet, observing in silence.

Soon after, the other two agents came back down and reported in defeat, "No sign of Perry, boss. The car was still in the driveway so either he went out for a walk or he fled-" 


The sound of something metal hitting the floor came from near the back and everyone's head immediately whipped to where the noise was. "Tony, did you not check back there already?" Ziva asked almost annoyed and disbelieving as she held her gun up in reflex and carefully walked toward the mystery sound to investigate.

"I did! Ummm... At least I think I did..." Gibbs gave him a stare so strong that it said 'I'm gonna kill you' and Tony gave a sheepish grin in return. "I'm sure it's nothing. Don't worry." He added nonchalantly.

As she cautiously opened the pantry door, a hand rapidly shot out to grab the collar of her NCIS jacket and yanked the trained assassin forward in surprise throwing her off balance, stumbling into the tight grip of Perry Monroe.

The trained assassin grabbed at the arm around her neck as she struggled to get her footing and judo-flip the opponent behind like she had been trained to do so many times before. But she failed, she was unable to do any damage to the almost 7-foot-tall strong man with huge muscles.

Almost at once, three guns were aimed at the surprise attack of the hidden man ready to shoot. In return, the suspect quickly revealed his own handgun and pressed it against Ziva's head as he moved the now-captured agent in front of him and strangled her by the neck in a chokehold like he had had practices before, no doubt on the previous victims. 

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