You Never Know What Someone Is Going Through Behind Closed Doors

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Setting: Post Somalia

Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

TW: Trauma, PTSD, Self-Harm, Blood, Dissociation

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Ziva is in serious pain that she might be self-destructive but a very observant Gibbs might find out what she's doing.



Just writing dark things because I can. Not really related to Somalia

I'm sorry, but it is not my intention to make Ziva look weak. I just really needed an excuse to write hurt/comfort things


Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)


Ziva came to work late again, it was the hundredth time this month.

Gibbs noticed it, but he tried not to comment on it, after all, she had just come back from Somalia less than a month ago and she needed time to adjust, he told himself.

She was an exceptional agent and good at her work. (And Gibbs had a soft spot for her) And one thing about Ziva was that she didn't need worrying over, that was the last thing a person would think about when it came to her.

"I'm fine." Was her default answer every time someone asked her how she was doing. He knew she wasn't but still, he convinced himself not to worry.

But that was not the only thing Gibbs noticed that has changed about her.

One other thing was that she started wearing long sleeve shirts all the time even though it was in the middle of the dead heat of summer.

No matter how hot it got, she never took off her jacket.

Now that was weird.

Tony and McGee quickly reversed back to the playful teasing rhythm, like everything was okay and everything was back to normal.

Ziva was physically back but a part of her die out there, something, someone ripped her soul and her heart out. She was not fully herself. And Gibbs knew.


Ziva David POV (Third Person Omniscient)


Ziva felt empty inside like there was an endless, black pit in the middle of her chest.

Maybe this was a better description - she felt nothing.

She was unsuccessful in completing the mission, and she blamed herself for being captured and tortured. She felt she needed to be punished for her mistakes and so she took out her anger on herself.

She felt that she didn't deserve to be rescued, she deserved to feel pain, it felt like a way to prove they can tolerate pain.

Silently screaming. The internal pain. It's too much.

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