Undercover Part 1

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Pairing: Z/R

Reader POV (Third Person Omniscient)



The last fic I wrote in Spanish was really fun so... here we go again...

Only the undercover parts are in Spanish. Writing a whole fic in Spanish is too hard...

I am not fluent in Spanish

Reader is not Hispanic just because I said so...



Some gang members are targeting and killing gay people, they made the wrong move to kill a marine and cross Gibbs. Gibbs sends Ziva and you undercover to catch the killers.


It was early in the morning, and Tony was already being obnoxious.

"So, like I said, Y/N, you should go out more and maybe get laid, cause hitting the printer is not really a good way to get out your sexual frustration, it's not ladylike or attractive to a man."

"What's wrong with hitting the printer? I do it all the time." Ziva defended you.

"Now that's different, Ziva, you're Mossad, you are designed to be aggressive, you're not-"

"Not what? Not normal? Not able to act like proper women? Not liked by men?" The brunette eyed him dangerously.

Tony looked scared by Ziva's intimidation. "That's not what I meant! You are highly attractive... How did this conversation turn around to talking about you?" He quickly tried to retract his statement about Ziva. "As I was saying, Y/N, you should go out and have fun, then maybe then you will get a boyfriend."

Ziva rolled her eyes at Tony's relentless talk about sex and dating.

"I do go out! And how do you know if I don't have a partner?" You retorted.

"Wait! Did you say partner?! Do you have a girlfriend?!" He asked as you secretly eyed the brunette sitting across from you. 

 Your desk was across from Ziva's and next to Gibbs', thanks to the time she strong-armed Tony over his desk for herself as she let you take her desk, and Gibbs didn't mind the moving of the desks. (They also removed the boards for the other set of desks behind them to be more inclusive so McGee could sit as a part of the team.)

"But I don't see any photos of anyone on your computer, phone or desk!" Tony crossed the bullpen and walked up in front of your desk, sneaking a peek at your computer again.

"What?! You snooped through my desk and devices again???" You turned the screen away from his eyes. "Don't snoop through stuff! It's an invasion of privacy!" You digressed the topic and ignored the comment about having a girlfriend since you didn't want to display your love life for Tony to comment on later. 

Little did he know that you and Ziva are dating and very in love... If he knew, he would repeatedly question you two about it and that would be even more irritating.

Tony opened his mouth and was about to give some snarky comment when Gibbs walked up behind him slapping the back of his head. 

"Oww-" he whined rubbing his head.

"Grab your gear. We've got a dead Marine." you heard Gibbs say as he walked through the bullpen toward the elevator and McGee followed behind him.

The team quickly assembled and ran after Gibbs.

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