Undercover Part 2

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Pairing: Z/R

Reader POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Undercover parts are in Spanish (Translations at the end)

Horrible Spanish, sorry!

I am not fluent in Spanish


Gibbs sent his only two agents who knew Spanish, you and Ziva, to go undercover to catch the bastards who cold-bloodedly killed the Marine.

The plan was to catch the leader of the gang in act to put him away for good. You and Ziva will go undercover into the bar and make yourselves targets. Gibbs will also be in the bar nearby in case anything goes wrong. Tony and McGee will be watching a live feed from your hidden camera in your necklace and doing the techy stuff. The code word was 'cheese' if anyone was in danger.

Little did the team know (except Gibbs, of course) that you two didn't need to 'pretend' to be lovers, you were already together.


You two went into the crowded bar and posed as a couple.

The bar looked impressive, there were different colored lighting and music.

"Mi hermosa," Ziva said as she pulled out a stool for you from under the island and kissed you on the cheek.

"Hola. Buenas noches. ¿Qué queries tener?" The bartender asked.

"Dos margaritas, por favor," you told the bartender standing in front of you.

You two looked around to scan your surroundings and saw Gibbs ready parked in a small booth near the windows.

"¿Qué pelicula quieres ver antes de dormir?" Ziva asked looking at you and pretending to have a normal conversation.

"No sé... Tú?"

"No sé. Pero podemos tener mucho sexo..." Ziva suggested as she placed a kiss on your lips seducingly.


"I think I know what they are saying! They are saying something about sex!" Tony exclaimed excitedly as he watched the visuals from the hidden camera.

"Tony, stop being so dirty-minded," McGee said.

"They look so natural." Tony said, "I wonder if they practiced."

McGee rolled his eyes, "Just continue to monitor their surroundings."


The bartender came back with their drinks.

"Muchas gracias." You thanked them.

You and Ziva started to fake drink your margaritas since you were undercover you weren't supposed to drink, but to blend in you still ordered them.

You also had to act the part since people would get suspicious if you kept drinking but the alcohol has no effect on you.

"Mi amor," You said huskily, "Te encanto mucho," you said trying to seduce the brunette.

"Te encanto mucho tambien, eres tan caliente," she said a little louder, getting into your guys' undercover personas.

Ziva closed the gap between you and started making out.

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