Two Black Lab Girlfriends

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Pairing: Z/R

Reader/ Anthony DiNozzo POV



Ziva and Reader are two Black Lab girlfriends intimidating on the outside but very friendly on the inside.



Inspired by my other story 'Who Is She?' but completely unrelated

Also inspired by the Black Cat / Golden Retriever trope


Reader POV (Second Person Omniscient)


As the warm golden sun shone through the window of the early dawn, hitting the smooth tan skin of Ziva's slender back glittering as a thin layer of sweat covered her, one would wonder how a beautiful woman like her would end up lying in a bedroom next to you panting as you both came down from the recent high.

Basking in the rising autumn sun, you curled up snuggly by her side, molding your body to her perfect curves as you took in her amazing scent, tracing down her spine with your fingertips and savoring your sweet time with her.

Earlier in the morning, Ziva had been slowly awakened from her deep slumber by your sloppy kisses drifting across her unclothed body as your hands caressed her, touching every inch of her from head to toe. 

Soon after that, the next thing you knew was that you were quickly flipped over and under Ziva, resulting in her being on top of your petite torso, taking charge of the situation and making you come twice as hard and twice as more than she did, whimpering under her every touch as it makes you come undone, that's how amazing she was.

Ziva turned laying on her toned stomach to reclining on her side to face you, cupping your face as she kissed you on the lips deeply and passionately and you kissed her back with equal force. The trained assassin stared at you with heart-shaped eyes like the ones seen in cartoon shows as she marveled over your features. 

Now, as you lay together on the bed close to your lover, your long dark hair pooled on top of the pillows as hers did the same. You wanted the secure and protective embrace that you always felt in her arms when she held you close.

"I want you to hold me now, Ziver." You whined and gave her another kiss as the sun started to emerge from behind the line of houses from afar.

Ziva moved to press her naked front up against your back, spooning you from behind as you nuzzled in under her chin.

"Needy much?" She joked, kissing you on the cheek. You purposely whined adorably, pouting at her reaction to your request which made her laugh.

"You are beautiful, you know that?" The brunette said with the sweetest voice you ever heard as lust settled over you again.

"So are you." You complimented back to her affirmation breathily. The trained spy was absolutely head over heels for you.

"But we can only cuddle for a few more minutes okay? I have to get ready for the day." She informed you as you rolled over to face her.

You started seducing her the second time that morning, "You are the most ravishing, most strong, most intelligent person I know." You peppered her with kisses all over in between words.

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