We'll Hold You Till You're Okay

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Pairing: OC/Z/G

OC: Alastor (They/ Them) (AFAB)

Ziva David/ Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



Polyamorous fluff



This is written in a way that you can read it as a reader fic


Ziva, Gibbs and Alastor were in a polyamorous relationship.

But if anyone wanted a detailed explanation of their situation, it would be a long story. Here's the simplified version: They're all in love with each other. But there is a different relationship between the three, Ziva has a sexual relationship with both of her lovers and Gibbs and Alastor strictly have a romantic relationship.

That might seem weird to others, but it's not for them, it's as simple as cake... (or is it pie?)


Ziva and Gibbs both knew something was wrong. Alastor had been as quiet as a mouse for the whole duration of the group dinner, they also hadn't looked up from their plate as they quietly ate tiny little bites of their food. It was still early in the night and they had already retired for the night, saying that they were exhausted from the day they had.

"I am going to check on Alastor." The brunette got up from the dining table and told Gibbs as he started to clean up the table and wash the dishes when he nodded in agreement.

Slowly, Ziva crept up the stairs to their shared bedroom to see through the door crack that the lights were turned off and the only thing she saw through the tiny amount of light from the warm living room lights was a small form lying still on the bed under the covers turned away from the entrance.

As she went in closer, ever so silently she heard soft sniffles filling her senses and she soon realized that they were crying. Immediately, she pushed the door open wider and slipped behind it to make sure that they were okay.

"Baby?" She came closer to the bed as her feet padded on the matt wooden floor. "Are you okay?" She asked gently but the sniffles stopped instantly when they heard the first word that Ziva said and realized that they weren't alone anymore.

They were hiding alone in the room, crying to themself as rolls of tears rolled down onto the pillow beneath their head, staining the pillow with wet patches. "What is wrong my love?" Ziva whispered as she got to the right side of the bed and sat down on top of the blanket, stroking their hair softly.

No answer came from them and for a moment there was only silence. Seeing that they weren't going to respond to her, Ziva slipped under the covers as she lay beside them. Warm and gentle arms wrapped around their petite form as she kissed their hair and they turned in her arms to face her as they snuggled closer into her chest and Ziva took that as progress.

Then the door softly opened again and in came Gibbs, this time closing the door fully and they were shrouded in darkness. Only Ziva turned her head to see who was walking in and was relieved that it was only him. Seeing that his two lovers were lying on the bed in silence, he knew something had happened and he had a gut feeling that something was wrong.

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