Collapsion Part 2

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Pairing: Z/R

TW: Medical Stuff

Reader (Young Genderfluid) (They/Them) POV (Third Person Omniscient)


Ducky got to the bullpen in a split second with all his gear when he heard you fainted.

"Ducky, please help Y/N!" Ziva yelled for him.

"What happened?" The doctor asked.

Gibbs moved aside for him to work on you. Ducky kneeled down to take your vitals.

"We don't know what happened but we saw them clutching the right side and they had really shallow breaths, and then they fainted, please doc, don't let them die!" Ziva said frantically.

"I'll try... Woah! Their heart rate is through the roof!" Ducky commented.

He unbuttoned your dress shirt to see your binder underneath.

Lifting your binder, he saw the clear bruising on your skin.

"Tachycardia, shortness of breath, this bruising and you say that they were clutching their side like they were in pain?" Ducky started.

"Yes," Ziva confirmed, still terrified for you.

"I think hemopneumothorax, we need to call an ambulance immediately." he turned to Gibbs already dialing 911.

Duck then proceeded to go on a tangent about hemopneumothorax.

"Did you know that the word hemopneumothorax hemothorax and pneumothorax? The word has a Greek origin, hemo means blood, pneumo means air and thorax means chest, added together it means blood and air in the chest cavity-"

"Ducky focus," Gibbs said as he stared at him.

"Do you know what caused this?" Ducky questioned.

"No." Ziva shook her head, she was almost in tears.


"28-year-old genderfluid special agent, status critical, low BP, heart rate 120, hemopneumothorax on the right lung-" The paramedics pulled you out of the ambulance.

"Hemopneumothorax? Who was the doctor who diagnosed them?"

"Dr. Mallard, NCIS Medical Examiner."

"Ok, let's get a CT to make sure." One of the doctors said.

Ziva jumped out of the rig and followed behind you as the doctors at the hospital rushed you in.

"Who are you?" One of the doctors stopped Ziva from entering the trauma room.

"David, Special Agent David. Is Y/N okay?" Ziva asked frantically as she looked over the doctor's shoulder.

"We will do everything that we can. Please wait outside while we work on them."


Ziva waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, Gibbs, Ducky and Abby had also arrived.

Ziva was impatiently pacing around, feeling restless. Her mind went to the worse scenarios of how everything could go wrong and she would lose you. 

"What is taking so long?" Ziva was extremely worried.

At that time a doctor came out to update the team.

"How's Y/N?" Ziva asked urgently when she saw the doctor come out of the trauma room.

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