🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꪮ🍁

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Yeonjun was finally back from his university. Opening the house door with his spare key, he softly entered closing the door behind him.

"Mom, I am home!" He lightly shouted making his presence inside the house obviously.

And within a few moments, he heard some footsteps coming from the direction of the kitchen.

"Aigoo! My little son is back. Come to mom and give a hug." Yeonjun chuckled a bit before giving a warm hug to his mother.

"So how did your day go?"

For some reason, the very first event that came to Yeonjun's mind was that someone rudely called him out.

Why does the bad event always come to the human brain first?

This is such a pain in the ass.

"Honey? Did something happen at university today?" The male's mother worriedly asked as she examined her son's expression. Yeonjun on the other hand immediately shook his head denying that nothing happened.

"No mom, nothing happened! In fact, something good happened."

The mother's smile widened a bit seeing her son talking with such sparkles in his eyes.

"What is it?"

"I got the first ranking in this term."

The older woman proudly smiled giving a bone smashing hug to her son.

"M-Mom- I- I can't b-breathe-

"AIGOO! MY BABY STOOD FIRST AGAIN! Tell me what do you want to eat today? I will make it." Yeonjun chuckled hearing the enthusiastic reply of his mother.

His one and only dear mother.

"Mom you are being way too much excited-

"Aish- How can I not be? I am so proud of you. You worked so hard. And it finally paid off." The woman patted her son's head affectionately who gave in to her gentle pats.

"Thank you mom... But it's really hard to maintain this ranking." The woman's smile faltered a little bit seeing the sad expression of Yeonjun clearly understanding what he actually meant.

"Honey look... Ranking doesn't matter what matters is your dedication and hard work okay? I don't care what your rank becomes. Because I always see how many sleepless nights you go through. It doesn't matter. Okay?"

"Wish dad said the same thing..." Yeonjun mumbled under his breath but the older woman heard it anyways.

She felt pity for her son.

"You know what, go and change. Let me make you something yummy!! Go goo go!!" His mother pushed the male playfully towards his room trying to brush off the sappy atmosphere which seemed to work as she saw Yeonjun laughing a bit.

"Yes yes going. Will be right back. Give me a sec!!" Yeonjun went towards his room while the elder woman finally sighed in relief.

So basically Yeonjun's father is quite hard to satisfy.

No matter what Yeonjun does, he doesn't get a single praise from his father. He tries so hard but in vain.

His mother on the other hand sees all the efforts, hard work and determination her son pours into his academic sector.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now