🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꪗ ꪮꪀꫀ🍁

428 31 8

Soobin who came out from the teacher's cabin felt overwhelmed from the amount of emotions he is experiencing now. His heart unknowingly felt heavy.

Because maybe he never got this kind of praise from his.... parents.

"Soobin?" Yeonjun called out for the taller male who strangely had his head lowered that unknowingly stirred up an uneasy feeling inside the older's chest.

Soobin realized the hallways and area around them mostly became empty from the lack of students as most of them must have left the place.

Well, good for him.. He didn't have to worry that someone would see him....


Drip. Drip. Drip.

Few droplets of salty tears rolled down the other's cheeks as his vision blurred up, his shoulder was shaking. Yeonjun who was uneasily staring at the taller male widened his eyes realizing the fact that he was crying.

"Soobin? Bin-ah? Hey? What happened?" Yeonjun immediately went towards the younger male who was lowering his head to the point that the older was unable to see his face directly but he could make out the fact that the younger male was crying.

Never did he imagine, he would witness him crying.

Yeonjun was heavily flustered and confused by the question that why was he crying so suddenly. He wasn't good at consoling someone. To be honest, he sucked at it.

"Bin w-hat's wrong? Tell Hyung." Yeonjun tried to make the sobbing younger look at him holding him by his face who just wouldn't look at him directly hiding his crying face.

It hurts. Something stings inside his chest.

Yeonjun thought to himself.

Soobin who couldn't control his tears just buried his head on the elder's shoulder trying to hide his pathetic looking crying face. Mr. Jung praising him like this was his last straw. That ended up making him cry from the overwhelming feeling.

Because at that moment, he ended up remembering his parents.

"T-They left m-me hyung and never checked back on me... Never caring to see what I w-was doing."

Yeonjun was baffled hearing this sudden outburst but for now he didn't question anything as the younger didn't seem to be in the condition to currently answer his wavering thousand queries. He could just hug the younger tightly and pat, rub his back for comfort.

He didn't know any context of the thing Soobin spoke. So he couldn't say anything.

"Grandmaaa! Soobinie is back!!" A toddler entered the house taking his tiny feet towards his beloved grandmother hugging her as his arrival's announcement.

The older woman who normally would have cooed over her grandson's cuteness could now smile at him with a hint of sadness ruffling the boy's soft hair lovingly.

"I see dear. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" She asked masking her true disappointment and hurt feelings under her sweet smile.

Soobin was too little to figure out the difference between a genuine happy smile and a masked up smile. He was just a toddler. Just wanting to gather up all the affection and love from his parents and grandmother.

As a reply to his grandmother's question, he gave a tiny nod before saying-

"YESS! Soobinie wants to eat kimbap."

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now