🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ᠻꪮꪊ᥅ꪻꫀꫀꪀ🍁

399 35 18

You know when they say a small thing can cause a massive change both in life and bonding.

That incident of Soobin and Yeonjun had a larger impact on their overall impression.

Now, Soobin was packing his bags and stuffs getting ready to go to university as usual, until he heard a groan from his younger roommate causing him to furrow his brows questionably looking around.

He saw Hueningkai struggling to do something in his notebook. He was scribbling on it, then cutting it, again writting something, then again cutting it looking frustrated.

Soobin shook his head feeling the overall state of the younger pathetic.

"What's wrong Huening? Why do you look like someone stole all your plushies?"

Sarcasm dripping from his words that only earned him a sharp glare from the other.

"YAH! Hyung! Where did my plushies come from?" The younger frustratedly stated making the older wheeze at the satisfying reaction.

"Lol- Jokes apart, care to tell me what's wrong?"

Soobin saw the younger sigh a bit before speaking-

"I am not being able to solve this problem. The thing is I am doing it but the answer is not matching. I tried atleast a thousand times. But fucking hell, it doesn't match."

Soobin's eyes widened a bit hearing the younger curse as it was a rare thing for him to do so.

Oh My, he is really frustrated.

Explains so.

Soobin went towards the younger and scanned the problem he was having trouble with. The gears of the older's brain worked a bit before he spoke up-

"Uh Why don't you try doing this using the Planck's equation?" Soobin said still his mind focused on what to do as he suggested the younger to try out this method.

Hueningkai was way too frustrated to speak anything extra, as he immediately followed what the older said. And Soobin just monitored what the younger did.

Hueningkai's eyes widened after calculating his answer. It was the exact answer he was not being able to make sense out of.


Soobin jumped a bit by his enthusiastic loud reply but he only chuckled at the younger.

"I guess I can tell why your answer wasn't matching. You were repeatedly using Einstein's equation in various methods, but Planck's equation will give you the accurate result in such maths." Soobin scratched his nape while saying so.

Hueningkai just grinned while noting down the words of the older before shifting his attention to the other.

"DAMNNN HYUNG!! YOU ARE SMART. WAHH! Yeonjun hyung be tutoring you nicely!"

Soobin bit back his smile but still it was visible in his face expression that made it seem more like a grin.

"You can say that I guess..." Hueningkai only tilted his head with that kind of expression in his face which clearly expressed his amusement of this sudden change in the older.

"Let's Go together today. What do you say?" Hueningkai got his next shock hearing this offer from the older.

"Wait- what??"

"Yes? Come on." The younger only smiled brightly before nodding and ran inside to grab his backpack to accompany Soobin to the university.

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