🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ᠻꪮꪊ᥅🍁

390 27 33

The bell rang signalling the end of one class.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu both of them got out of their classes chatting as usual happily until they heard some gossips from the other students.

"Did you see how rudely that Choi behaved with the teacher?"

"I can't believe him. Seriously I was so dumbfounded seeing that."

Beomgyu scoffed hearing that while Yeonjun sighed shaking his head, both of them obviously getting the whole situation and the person as well.

"Let's go Hyung. I don't want to get my mood spoiled hearing about that bastard."

Beomgyu walked forward speedily while Yeonjun was left behind who couldn't help but sigh. He was about to follow the younger until, he heard something more-

"Why are you speaking ill of him to be honest? He didn't speak anything wrong."

Yeonjun visibly frowned hearing it. So being curious, he continued to hear more.

"I mean he was right. That history teacher has some serious issues of continuously comparing students. And weren't you also speaking ill of him that day? Then how come you are defending the teacher now. Aren't you being a dual faced snake?"

Yeonjun gasped lightly being visibly shocked. He also got which teacher they were talking about.

And he himself can't deny that the fact is actually true.

"Wah.." Yeonjun lowly mumbled fixing his glasses in the process.

"I really think he did a good job replying like this to that shitty teacher. Pity is that because of his bad reputation, everyone will blame him."

Yeonjun could predict out the clear picture.

I mean the students weren't wrong.

Even Yeonjun knew this another Choi due to his quite not so disciplined work.

And after hearing this different two different type of perspectives, he found himself thinking again about this.

Yeonjun was deep in his thinking until the familiar younger's voice was heard-

"HYUNG! You are still standing there. I was looking for youu! Come on. I am starving."

"But Gyu it's not lunch break." The older said not being able to connect this sudden sentence. Beomgyu face palmed hearing this.

"Aish! My naive Hyung, I want to buy some small light snacks or drinks to drink between the class breaks."

"Oh I see." Yeonjun sheepishly smiled.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu were on their way to the cafeteria to buy something before leaving for the next class until-


The called out male immediately turned around hearing his name only to see Mr. Jung, the homeroom teacher of the other Section of his class.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun glanced at each other communicating through eye language, before Yeonjun gave a light nod convincing the younger to go and come back from the cafeteria till he talks with the teacher.

And that's what the younger male did while Yeonjun approached the teacher.

"Yes Mr. Jung? You were calling me?"

Mr. Jung nodded with a light smile saying-

"Yes Yeonjun. I had something to tell you. Will you please accompany me to my desk?"

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now