🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪀꪻꪗ ꪻ᭙ꪮ🍁

403 31 22

Yeonjun softly entered his house with a light smile on his face for some reason.

"Aigo! My baby is here! How was the day?"

Yeonjun heard his mom say out loudly and cheerfully making him chuckle and just think back to what happened today.

"Quite Good to be honest." He answered honestly but he frowned seeing the grin on his mom's face.

"Why? Is that because of that boy who dropped you here hmm?"

Yeonjun choked up on air hearing this out of nowhere. Geez, when did she even see Soobin coming here?

He looked up with his wide eyes towards his mom who was just laughing enjoying her dear son's baffled expression to the fullest. Yeonjun lightly chuckled by himself shaking his head taking the shoes off revealing his bandaged feet immediately making the elderly woman frown being worried.

"Yeonjun? What happened to your feet? Why is it bandaged? Did you get hurt? When did this happ-

"MOM!! Calm down!!" He immediately said cutting his mom because he knew if he doesn't stop the woman now, she will get way too worried.

"Just, you know the new converse shoes.. Got blisters all over the place. That's all. And mom the boy you are talking about is the one who took me to the infirmary and offered to walk me home. Got your answer? I am completely fine."

The elderly woman just sighed heavily hearing this. Again, a sense of relief washed over her that, Yeonjun was taken care by someone else.

"What's that boy's name Yeonjun?"

"Umm.. Choi Soobin?"

"Wah- You two have the same surname. Okay besides. Call him over one day, I owe him for taking care of my baby."

Yeonjun's face flushed a bit hearing this from his mother. Wow, Soobin how did you manage to make such a good impression on her?



"Sure will do one day."

"Hmm that's my boy. Now go and rest a little." Yeonjun nodded smiling a little before going to his house. Going inside the room and throwing his bag just on his table, the elder threw himself on his bed keeping his glasses aside as well.

Closing his eyes wanting to relax.

But instead of seeing any void vision, he could vision a certain taller male who didn't even hesitate for a second before carrying him.

Yeonjun almost had a heart attack from the action and he swore he could feel swarms of butterflies dancing in his tummy.

Was Soobin always caring like this?

He just recently started noticing Soobin's little gestures and small meaningful actions.

Believe it or not, he does notice those little actions but he shrugs it feeling that it's just out of respect.

But he can't take it the same way after a while of spending time with Soobin now.

He feels a pull Inside, a gentle tug in his heart every time he is near the taller male.

"What are you Choi Soobin?" Yeonjun mumbled under his breath, his heart never failing to speed up just at the thought of the male.

The Effect.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now